- Phone: 405-574-1385
- Email: akidd@usao.edu
- Location: Gary Hall 206E
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution |
PhD | Curriculum and Instruction | Texas A&M University |
MS | Biology | University of Central Oklahoma |
BS Ed | Secondary Science Education (Biology) | University of Central Oklahoma |
Dr. Aaron Kidd is an Assistant Professor of Science Education at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma. Before joining the faculty at USAO, he served as the program coordinator for ON-RaMP, a postbaccalaureate research program at Oklahoma State University.
Dr. Kidd has taught science in various capacities, including as an adjunct instructor and in high school and middle school science classrooms. More recently, his teaching focus has been on preparing elementary and secondary science teachers. His research interests include teacher behaviors, naïve student modeling, and preservice treacher education. In collaboration with colleagues from across the United States, Dr. Kidd's current research focuses on addressing students in undergraduate science programs and measuring the impact of postbaccalaureate research programs on participants' science identity and sense of belonging in the biological sciences.
Research, Presentations & Publications
- Teacher Behaviors
- Naïve Student Modeling
- Preservice Teacher Education
- Herman, B. C., Poor, S., Clough, M. P., Rao, A., Kidd, A., De Jesús, D., & Varghese, D. (2024). It's not just a science thing: Educating future STEM professionals through mis/disinformation responsive instruction. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 1–50. https://doi.org/10.1002/tea.21934
- Kidd, A. E., De Jesús, D., Poor, S. (2024). Elephant tusks and natural selection: Leveraging naive student models to identify and address misconceptions surrounding evolutionary theory, The American Biology Teacher 86(2), 94-100.
- Amin, S., Sanders, M., Kidd, A. E, & Rambo-Hernandez, K.E. (2023). How much does readiness matter? An examination of student persistent intention and engineering identity. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, Baltimore, MD, 25-28 June. https://nemo.asee.org/public/conferences/327/papers/38515/view
- Kidd, A., Sobotka, A., Janney, B. (2023). Exploring energy distribution in ecosystems by integrating a classroom-level biological survey. American Biology Teacher, 85(3), 152-158.
- Sobotka, A. J., Janney, B. A., & Kidd, A. E. (2023). Plotting success: An activity for refining approaches to interpreting graphs. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues, and Ideas, 96(4), 116-121.
- Janney, B. A., Sobotka, A. J., Kidd, A. E. (2022). Decontextualizing velocity and acceleration in a concrete (and sweet) eating activity. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues, and Ideas, 95(5) 202-209.
- Kidd, A. E., Allan, E., Nelson, M. (2019). The effect of argument-based naïve model development upon student content knowledge and perception of science: Middle school science classroom. National Association of Biology Teachers: Education Research Symposium Conference Proceedings, Chicago, IL, 15 November. https://nabt.org/files/galleries/NABT_Conference_Manuscript_Kidd_et_al.pdf
- Kidd, A. E., Clough, M. P., Olson, J., Berg, C. (2023) Identifying the Prevalence of High-Resolution Analyses of Teacher Behavioral Patterns in Recent Science Education Publications, 2024 ASTE Conference, New Orleans, LA, January 10-13, 2024.
- Clough, M., Kidd, A. E., Olson, J., Berg, C. (2023). Do we believe our own research? Inadequate attention to the teacher’s role. North-Central Association for Science Teacher Education Regional Conference, Winona, MN, 2023.
- Herman, B. C., Clough, M. P., Poor, S., Kidd. A. E., De Jesús, D. J., Varghese, D., Rao, A., Sobotka, A., Janney, B., Olson, A., (2023). Beyond the science: factors that influence university biology students' COVID-19 actions and vaccine acceptance, 2023 NARST Conference, Chicago, IL, April 18-21, 2023.
- Kidd, A. E., Clough, M., Olson, J. (2023) Identifying the Prevalence of High-Resolution Analyses of the Teacher's Role in Recent Science Education Publications. Poster Presentation: Association for Science Teacher Education. Salt Lake City, UT. Jan. 11-14.
Kidd, A. E., Sobotka, A., Janney, B. (2022) Exploring Energy in Ecosystems by Integrating a Classroom BioBlitz Model. Science Teachers Association of Texas Education Conference. Dallas TX. Nov. 10-12.
- Sobotka, A. J., Janney, B. A., & Kidd, A. E. (2022). Plotting success: An activity for refining approaches to interpreting graphs. Science Teachers Association of Texas Conference. Dallas TX. Nov. 10-12.
- Kidd, A. E., Clough, M. P., Olson, J., Miller, H. (2022) Identifying the Prevalence of High-Resolution Analyses of the Teacher’s Role in Recent Science Education Publications. Southwest Association for Science Teacher Education. San Marcos, TX. Oct. 14-15.
- Janney, B., Kidd, A. E., Sobotka, A., (2022). Modeling concepts of motion with a decontextualized, edible activity. 2022 NSTA National Conference, Houston, Texas. March 30-April 2, 2022.
- Herman, B. C., Clough, M. P., Rao, A., Poor, S. V., Janney, B. A., Sobotka, A. J., Kidd, A. E. (2022) University biology students’ COVID-19 decisions: The interconnected influence of COVID-19 science perceptions and sociocultural membership. Proposal submitted for the Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) international conference. Vancouver, BC, March 27-30
Herman, B. C., Clough, M. P., Rao, A., Poor, S. V., Janney, B. A., Sobotka, A. J., Kidd, A. E. (2022) The influence of COVID-19 science perceptions and sociocultural membership on university biology students’ COVID-19 decisions and policy support. Proposal submitted for inclusion in The Association for Science Teacher Education conference. Greenville, SC, January 6-8.
Raven, S., De La Cruz, I., Matthews, S., Kidd, A. E. (2021). Children's literature connections for preschool and early elementary science. Science Teachers Association of Texas Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST), Fort Worth, TX.
- Kidd, A. E., Allan, E., Nelson, M. (2019). The effect of argument-based naïve model development upon student content knowledge and perception of science: middle school science classroom. Paper presented at the National Association of Biology Teachers 2019 Conference, Chicago, IL.
Kidd, A. E., Allan, E., Nelson, M. (2019). The effect of argument-based naïve model development upon student content knowledge and perception of science: middle school science classroom. Paper presented at the Oklahoma Academy of Science Technical Meeting, Edmond, OK.
- Kidd, A. E., Allan, E., Nelson, M. (2019). The effect of argument-based naïve model development upon student content knowledge and perception of science: middle school science classroom. Paper presented at the Southwest Association for Science Teacher Education, Fayetteville, AR.
- Kidd, A. E., Jackson, V. (2019). Estimating occupancy of mesocarnivores through non-invasive survey methods: Pontotoc Ridge Preserve. Poster presented at the Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa, OK.
- Hofeld, J., Kidd, A. E., Allan, E., Nelson, M. (2018). The impact of a research-based master's program on the science teacher and science classroom. Presented at the Southwest Association for Science Teacher Education, Norman, OK.