- Phone: 405-574-1207
- Email: bbrown@usao.edu
- Location: Davis Hall 119B
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution | |
PhD |
English with concentrations in American Literature and Rhetoric and Composition Theory Dissertation: The Rhetorical Strategies of Twentieth-Century American War Novels |
Texas Christian University, Fort Worth | |
MA |
English Thesis: American Values and Reader Response in The Naked |
University of Texas at Arlington | |
BA | English | University of North Texas, Denton |
Dr. Brenda Brown is the Dean of the School of Interdisciplinary Studies and Humanities and Professor of English. She has been a faculty member at USAO since 1992. Her areas of specialty include Modern and Postmodern American Literature and Composition & Rhetoric. Brown is a peer reviewer for the Higher Learning Commission and serves as USAO's Study Abroad Coordinator regularly leading students, alumni, and community members on educational, short term study abroad programs.
A member of Kappa Delta Phi and Sigma Tau Delta during her undergraduate years, Brown sponsored the initiation of the latter at USAO in 2007 and continues to sponsor it.
- USAO Study Abroad Coordinator, 2008-present
- USAO Study Abroad Coordinator and Representative, Midwestern University Travel Abroad Consortium, London, 2008-present
- Independent Study Travel Abroad sponsored trips—
- 2025--Costa Rica
- 2024--Germany, Italy, and Switzerland
- 2019--Italy
- 2017—Greece
- 2016—England and Scotland
- 2014—Berlin, Vienna, and Prague
- 2013—Costa Rica
- 2011--Spain
- 2009—England, Ireland, and Wales
- 2007—France, Austria, Switzerland, and Germany
- 2005--Italy
- 2003—England, Wales, and Ireland
- Study Away Committee, Chair, 2012-Present
- Curriculum Committee, Chair, 2019-2020
- Higher Learning Commission Peer Reviewer, 2018-present
- Contractual Review, Chair, Higher Learning Commission, 2016-present
- Contractual Review, 11 proposals, Higher Learning Commission, 2018-2020
- Chair, Gladys Anderson Emerson Research Award Committee, 2016-2021
- Peer Reviewer (multi-campus on-site visit), Higher Learning Commission, Fall 2018
- Co-Chair, Higher Learning Commission Reaccreditation Steering Committee 2016-2018
- Assessment Committee, 2012-2018, 2022-present
- Higher Learning Commission representative, 2006-2018
- Resource Committee, Chair 2017-2018
- Committee on Committees, 2017-2018
- Academic Policies and Procedures, 2017-2018
- President, USAO Faculty Association, 2017-2018
Research, Presentations & Publications
- “Creating Community in COPLACDigital.” COPLACDigital. Spring 2019.
- Book Reviews. CrossTimbers. 2001-2006, 2012.
- “Region as Text.” Oklahoma English Journal. 21(2008): 5-13.
- “Girl Power!” Humanities Interview. 25 (2007): .8-11.
- “Preparing the New Woman: A Reflection.” USAO Alumni Today. Spring 2007. 24.
- “Preparing the New Woman.” Traveling Exhibit. 2006.
- "The Academy: Friend or Foe." Southern Humanities Conference. February 2024
- “The Struggle is Read: Characterization in Woody Guthrie’s House of Earth.” Far West Popular Culture and American Culture Conference. February 2020.
- “An American in Paris: Study Abroad.” South Central Modern Language Association. October 2018.
- “And Time Goes By: A Generational Analysis.” South Central Modern Language Association. October 2017.
- “Balancing Realities.” South Central Modern Language Association. October 2016.
- “The Comfort of the Everyday in War Time.” Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association National Conference. April 2015.
- Chair, “Native American Literature.” South Central Modern Language Association, October 2014.
- Chair, “War and the Arts.” South Central Modern Language Association, November 2013.
- "Defining the Beauty of the Grotesque in Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio." South Central Modern Language Association, November 2013.
- Secretary, “Native American Literature.” South Central Modern Language Association, November 2013.
- Secretary, “War and the Arts.” South Central Modern Language Association, October 2012
- “Through the Looking Glass: Depictions of the Dust Bowl in Woody Guthrie’s House of Earth. Woody Guthrie Hootenanny!. July 2013.
- “Re(new)al: A Dialogue between Cultures.” South Central Modern Language Association, November 2012
- “The Beauty of the Grotesque in Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio.” Festival of Arts and Ideas, February 2012
- “Creative Communication: an Interdisciplinary Approach.” South Central Modern Language Association, October 2011
- “How a Small Liberal Arts University Can Organize for Success.” North Central Higher Learning Commission, April 2011
- “(Mis)Fortune: An Administrator’s Perspective.” College English Association, March 2011