Paul  Regier

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Paul Regier directory photo


Degree Major Emphasis Institution Year
PhD Doctor of Philosophy University of Oklahoma 2020
MS Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Oklahoma 2011
BA Mathematics and Physics Bethel College 2009


Paul Regier is the assistant professor of Mathematics and coordinator of First Year Seminar at USAO.

Research, Presentations & Publications

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

Regier, P. (in review). “How does Mathematical Problem Posing foster Intrinsic Motivation?”

Regier, P., & Savić, M. (2019). “How teaching to foster mathematical creativity may impact student self-efficacy for proving,” Journal of Mathematical Behavior: 100720

Lu, J., Tang, C. Y., Regier, P. R., & Bow, T. D. (2011) “Gossip algorithms for convex consensus optimization over networks.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 2917-2934.