- Phone: 405-574-1312
- Email: tanderson@usao.edu
- Location: Davis Hall 222E
Degree | Major Emphasis | Institution | Year |
Ph.D. | American Studies | Yale University | 2006 |
M.Phil. | American Studies | Yale University | 1998 |
M.A. | American Studies | Yale University | 1995 |
M.A. | African American Studies | Yale University | 1992 |
B.F.A. - Cum Laude |
Major: Painting |
Northern Illinois University - DeKalb, IL | 1987 |
Tonnia Anderson is the Associate Professor of History and American Studies for the Division of Arts and Humanities and the Director of the Center for Social Justice and Racial Healing. She has been a member of the USAO faculty since 2010.
Research, Presentations & Publications
- 2020 Oklahoma Humanities Council Major Grant, Building Bridges/Dismantling Racism for the Common Good: $10,000 Honors and Awards
- 2018 USAO Regents Teaching Award
- 2018 Gladys Anderson Emerson Endowment Research Stipend Award
- 2016 USAO Regents Teaching Award
- 2016 Gladys Anderson Emerson Endowment Research Stipend Award
- 2015 Gladys Anderson Emerson Endowment Research Stipend Award
- 1998 Dissertation Fellowship, American Studies Program, Yale University
- 1990-1996 Henry McNeil Fellow for the Decorative Arts, Yale University
- 1993 Minority Intern, Smithsonian Institute, Museum of American History
- 1990 Research Fellow, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
- 1988-1989 Minority Concerns Research Fellowship, National Art Education Association
- 1987 Scholar Intern, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change
Scholarly and Creative Activities | Published Works and Works in Progress:
Anderson, Tonnia L. “Shadows of the Past: Reflections on a Beleaguered Symbol,” Oklahoma Today, Oklahoma Humanities (forthcoming 2021)
Anderson, Tonnia L. Review of Tarter, Brent, Gerrymanders: How Redistricting Has Protected Slavery, White Supremacy, and Partisan Minorities in Virginia. H-Atlantic, H-Net Reviews. March, 2020. URL: http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=54723
Anderson, Tonnia L. “Before Greensboro: Clara Luper and the Midwestern Sit-In Movement.” This article examines the 1958 Sit-In/Sit-Down Movement originated by Luper and charts how it influenced the 1960 Sit-In Movement in Greensboro, North Carolina, which spread throughout the South, (in progress).
Anderson, Tonnia L. “For the Common Good: Re-Inscribing White Racial Normalcy into the Body Politic.” In Intersections of Whiteness, edited by Mark Schmitt and Evangelina Kindinger, 19-37. New York: Routledge, 2019.
Anderson, Tonnia L. “The New Herrenvolk Democracy: The Rise of the Alt-Right in Trump’s America.” In Critical Theory in the Age of the Alt Right: Reaffirming the Humanities, edited by Melissa Sande and Christine Battista, 81-100. Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillian, 2019.
Anderson, Tonnia L. Review of Frankie and Johnny: Race, Gender, and the Work of African American Folklore in 1930s America by Stacy I. Morgan. Journal of Southern History 84, no. 2 (2018): 504-505.
Anderson, Tonnia L. “Richard S. Roberts: Race, Cultural Capital, and Visual Politics.” Southern Quarterly 52, no. 4 (2015): 54-73.