USAO Alumni Homecoming & Reunion Weekend 2020—CANCELLED

Keeping in mind the health and well-being of our entire Drover family, and to align with the University’s overall COVID-19 plan for campus events, we regret to announce the cancellation of our 2020 Homecoming & Reunion weekend celebrations.
Prior to the release of the university’s plan for the Fall semester, alumni were surveyed in regards to their feelings about in-person/on-campus events. The results were very clear that the majority would not consider returning to campus until they felt safe. Among their requirements mentioned were clear protocols in place across campus and within the Chickasha community, including the close following of current CDC guidelines, or the development of a safe and effective vaccine.
At the August meeting of the USAO Alumni Association Board of Directors, it was determined that a virtual event will be held on Saturday, November 7, 2020, that will include the USAOAA Annual Meeting as well as a few celebratory elements that include announcing this year’s Alumni Hall of Fame inductees and Young Alumni Award recipient. Details and registration information for this event will be available on our website and on the alumni social media channels at a later date.
We look forward to welcoming all of our alumni family and friends home for our 2021 Homecoming & Reunion Weekend, November 5-7 2021!