Amanda Martin -- 100 Alumni You Should Know

Impacting her students’ lives is how 1998 USAO graduate Amanda (Warner) Martin defines success. Martin is an advanced placement language and composition teacher at Kellyville (Oklahoma) Public Schools.
“I'm not interested in awards or accolades. My crowning moments come in letters from successful former students who thank me for helping prepare them for college and careers,” she said.
Martin was a part of the inaugural softball team at USAO in 1995. “We may not have been too good (we didn't even have our own field and played on a city field by the high school), but we had a great time,” she said. From that experience, she gained a lifelong friend.
“Through softball, I met my then and now best friend, Elissa (Harrell) Hefley. We roomed together until we graduated. She married a volunteer firefighter and I married a Tulsa Police Department Reserve Officer and our husbands team rope. We both have 10-year old sons who are baseball-crazy and are great friends. Our daughters are eight-year old barrel racers. Elissa and I are both English teachers. Talk about friend goals!” Hefley is a 1999 graduate of USAO.
Martin said that her greatest life accomplish is her family. “I have a wonderful husband and two great children. We are busy in church, baseball, basketball, martial arts, and rodeo. We are blessed with a fun day every day,” she said.
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