Auditions Scheduled for West Side Story at USAO

Auditions for a concert version of acclaimed Broadway musical West Side Story are scheduled at University of Science and Arts on Nov. 2 at 1 p.m. The production will be a part of next year’s planned Five B’s Festival highlighting the work of composer Leonard Bernstein.
The concert version of the Broadway musical by Bernstein is tentatively scheduled
Feb. 27-28. The USAO music department and drama department will jointly produce the
presentation. The play features many well-known songs including Somewhere, Tonight
and One Hand, One Heart.
The Nov. 2 auditions are scheduled in the Davis Hall Theatre at USAO. Callbacks are
scheduled immediately following the auditions. The first cast meeting is scheduled
for Nov. 5 at 2:30 p.m. in the Davis Hall Theatre.
“Those interested in auditioning do not need to prepare a reading, but may bring a
prepared song,” said Dr. Jan Hanson, professor of music at USAO. “An accompanist will
be provided at the auditions. A CD/cassette player will also be available for those
with pre-recorded accompaniments. Since the musical will be presented in a concert
version, there will be no dance audition.”
The musical may be produced with 14 or more singers as well as three or more non-singers,
Hanson said. “Performers must commit to the entire production process including auditions,
enrollment, rehearsals and performances.”
“West Side Story is considered to be a landmark in the history of the American musical
theatre. The show deviated from traditional shows with silly songs and happy endings
to a more sophisticated dramatic approach,” Hanson said.
“Bernstein’s masterpiece introduced audiences to a realistic portrayal of racial prejudice,
gang violence and senseless death. From its premiere to present day, West Side Story
still moves audiences with its personal message of tragedy through intolerance.”
For more information, contact Katie Davis,, Dr. Jan Hanson, or contact the USAO Division of Arts and Humanities at 405-574-1239.
The Five B’s festivals, started in 2007, explore the life and times of five composers
-- Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, Bela Bartok and Leonard
Bernstein -- through a liberal arts perspective, involving interactive and multimedia
presentations giving insight into relevant and related topics in history, politics,
science, philosophy and other disciplines. University faculty members from various
disciplines present lectures along with music and drama performances. The festivals
are presented with support from the Kirkpatrick Foundation and the USAO Foundation.