In-person instruction to resume this fall with adjusted calendar, no increases to tuition or fees

With its students’ health, safety and success always at the forefront, the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma will resume in-person instruction during the fall 2020 semester with an adjusted academic calendar and no increases to tuition and mandatory fees.
Courses will begin for all students Aug. 17 and continue until Nov. 13 without a Fall Break. Final exams will take place Nov. 17-20 with commencement following on Nov. 21. Labor Day will still be observed on Sept. 7.
“Given the unique situation we find ourselves in as a society, it behooves us to take every reasonable measure to keep everyone at USAO safe,” said President John Feaver. “With this adjusted calendar, we can ensure minimal interruptions to student learning. Not increasing our tuition or fees is one of the most critical ways we can lessen some of our students’ anxieties.”
Known for its small class sizes and close working relationships between students and faculty, USAO has leveraged these assets to quickly adapt to social distancing guidelines throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to carefully monitor the situation in Oklahoma and around the world.
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