Child Development Center Taking Applications Beginning March 9

Beginning March 9, the University of Science and Arts will begin receiving and processing applications for fall 2009 enrollment in its acclaimed Child Development Center.
Dr. Donna Miles, professor of education and director of the Child Development Center,
said the key to the successful program for three- and four-year-olds is quality.
“We continually strive for a quality program for our young children, our parents and
the college students,” Miles said.
The Child Development Center is open from 9-11:45 a.m. Monday through Friday during
the fall and spring trimesters. Enrollment for the fall trimester begins March 9 and
ends April 30. Fees are $500 per child, per trimester. Enrollment is limited to 16
children. Children must be at least two years of age before applying and at least
three years of age by September 1, 2009.
Application forms may be obtained at the USAO Child Development Center in Gary Hall
101A. Gary Hall is located at the corner of 17th Street and Alabama.
According to Miles, the curriculum focuses on the achievement of the following goals:
enhancement of self-concept, language development, sensory acuity, motor development,
concept formation and living skills.
“Because young children have an insatiable curiosity and an urge to explore, discover
and experiment, they are provided an enriched and developmentally appropriate environment
where they can make good choices,” Miles said.
The USAO Child Development Center offers children varied opportunities to learn in
physical, social, emotional and intellectual areas. The curriculum and the environment
are the results of careful planning based on the knowledge of child growth and development.
Additional information about the program is available from Donna Miles at (405) 574-1230.