Class Project to Celebrate Lincoln’s 200th Birthday

Class Project to Celebrate Lincoln’s 200th Birthday

To help celebrate the 200th birthday of Abraham Lincoln, students at the University of Science and Arts have scheduled a day with the legendary president that will include hands-on displays for elementary and junior high students. The program is scheduled Feb. 11 from 3-4 p.m. at Nash Library on the USAO campus. Students, teachers and the public are welcomed to the free displays.

The event is a part of the Physical Education in the Elementary School Class at USAO. “The class is planning hands-on and table displays, games and other activities,” said Dr. Nancy Osborn, associate professor of physical education. “The whole program is about Lincoln, the Civil War and other events during his life.”

The program gives prospective teachers hands-on experience with elementary and junior high students and is a celebration of Lincoln’s 200th birthday, Osborn said.

“This class always has a hands-on project. This is a new project this year because of the bicentennial of Lincoln’s birth. School groups, individual students, teachers and anyone interested in Lincoln should make plans to attend.”

For more information, call Osborn at 405-574-1246.

The Physical Education in the Elementary School class prepares teachers to organize and instruct elementary school children in physical education activities and is part of the Physical Education Teacher Certification Program at USAO.

The USAO Physical Education Teacher Certification Program is designed to prepare individuals to become effective physical education teachers and to obtain an Oklahoma Teaching Certificate in physical education.