Dinner and a Show Featured in Fall Vocal Jazz Ensemble Banquet

Tickets are $25 for the general public and $15 for fulltime USAO students. Admission includes a full course meal and live entertainment. To purchase tickets, call 574-1293 or email at facbohannonk@usao.edu. Tickets also can be purchased at the door, but seating is limited. A silent auction also is scheduled during the banquet.
“The thing about this fundraiser is simple. Most people like you and me are asked
to give with nothing in return -- accept the good feeling you get when you give. Here
you are getting something in return for your gift -- a good meal, live entertainment
and you don’t have to leave Chickasha,” said Dr. Ken Bohannon, director of the ensemble
and associate professor of music.
“You don’t have to buy a candle or chocolate candy bar or a can of popcorn that you
really didn’t want anyway. Also, with tax and tip at the local restaurant, you can’t
eat a full course meal for under $10. You would spend at least $10 in gas to drive
to Oklahoma City to see a show like this and still have to pay for a ticket. So it’s
a win-win situation — you feel good about giving, you get great entertainment and
a great meal.”
The ensemble is scheduled to perform several solos and a mix of Christmas Jazz tunes
including Puttin On The Ritz, Hark The Herald Angels Sing, Java Jive, Chili Con Carne, Dream,
Puttin On My Ragtime Shoes and Satin Doll.
"The purpose of the banquet is to raise funds for travel outside of Oklahoma," Bohannon
said. "We are still planning the destination of this year's trip. Last year's group
travelled to New Orleans. They gave five performances on the trip -- three in New
Orleans and two at two junior colleges along the way. As part of the educational experience,
we were able to see several live performances of jazz at the International Jazz Fest
in New Orleans."
In addition to a trip out of state, Bohannon said the group also hopes to travel with
USAO recruiters to state high schools from January-March.
Since the ensemble's conception in the fall of 2007, they have given more than 20
performances off-campus in addition to many on-campus performances. The Ensemble is
scheduled to perform during the Christmas Under The Dome event on Dec. 15 in Oklahoma
City. Ticket information for this event is available at /dome
Members of the ensemble include Crystal Davis, a music major from Oklahoma City; Brittany
Mealer, a music major from Okay; Scott Pitts, a music major from Comanche; Matthew
Pitts, a music major from Comanche; Mac Stephenson, a music major from Healdton; Adam
Hackett, a computer science major from Norman; Logan Rogers, a music major from Duncan;
Josh Smith, a music major from Blanchard; Ashton House, a music major from Hydro;
Molly Tracey, an early childhood education major from Middleton, Rhode Island; Katie
Boyd, a music major from Chickasha; Jessica Fowler, an English major from Yukon; Jerod
Frizzell, a music major from Lindsay; Ty Greenhalgh, a music major from Chickasha;
and staff accompanist Rhenada Finch.