Droverspirit Wind Ensemble, Key Players in Concert Nov. 24 at USAO

Area residents who may be stressed out by holiday preparations can take a break with live musical entertainment as the Droverspirit Wind Ensemble and Key Players at the University of Science and Arts present their Fall Concert Nov. 24.
The free concert, scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the Te Ata Memorial Auditorium, features
a unique synthesizer and guitars entertainment ensemble, says Dr. Dan Hanson, professor
of music and director for both groups.
“The synthesizer keyboard group will surprise you with rich, powerful and complex
sounds. We play in any style for any occasion,” Hanson said.
Members of the Key Players include Houston Green, a music major from Gage; Stephanie
Goodwin, a music major from Midwest City; Brandon Calderon, a music major from Choctaw;
Jesse Merritt, an English major from Minco; Hilary Devries, a biology major from Tulsa,
and Hanson.
The Wind Ensemble is scheduled to present music from The Firebird by Igor Stravinsky,
March from Aida by Verdi, and Bear Dance by Bela Bartok. Also scheduled is a new contemporary
work by Oklahoman Ed Huckeby, Under the Double Eagle by J.F. Wagner, and a new arrangement
of Loch Lomond by Frank Tickeli.
“This repertoire showcases an impressive range of talent from this small, but versatile,
wind ensemble. Performers are drawn from every course of study across the campus.
Membership is open to anyone who enjoys creating challenging music in a spirit of
fun and entertainment,” Hanson said. The group rehearses Monday, Wednesday and Friday
at 2:30 p.m.
“The Wind Ensemble is a welcome break from the routine of classroom studies. The band
provides a quality social and performing experience for everyone. Both musical groups
serve to educate and entertain while meeting degree requirements for the student,”
Hanson said.
Selected members of the Wind Ensemble serve as the Pep Band at USAO home basketball
games. Scholarships are available to the members of both ensembles.