Exploring options to study abroad

Students at the University of Science and Arts who are interested in studying abroad are invited to an organizational meeting at 7 p.m. in Davis 227 on March 8.
Larry Williams, director of international studies at Midwestern University, is scheduled to be on hand to share the details about the program. Students who elect to participate will spend five weeks at St. Mary’s College in London.
USAO is part of a consortium of seven schools that pool their international study efforts through Midwestern University. Credits earned will be through Midwestern but will transfer back as credits that may be applied toward graduation at USAO.
Fields of study include art, business, education, English, theatre, history, communications, philosophy and sociology and the courses contain research components that can only be fully realized while living in London.
“In this global economy, any student who engages in a Study Abroad program is that much more marketable as less than 5 percent of American college students travel overseas as part of achieving their degree,” noted Dr. Brenda Brown, professor of English and chairman of the Arts and Humanities department.
Scholarships that may be applied toward the cost of studying at St. Mary’s are available at USAO. Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting in order to gain a full understanding of how their regular financial aid may be applied to the cost of the program.
Pizza and drinks will be provided at the meeting. For more information, contact Dr. Brenda Brown at 574-1207.