USAO announces fall reopening plan

With its students’ health, safety and success always at the forefront, the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma has implemented actions for the upcoming fall semester intended to minimize the effects of COVID-19 on campus.
“Given the unique situation we find ourselves in as a society, it behooves us to look at every option to keep the USAO community safe,” said President John Feaver. “By adjusting our academic calendar, adapting classes, emphasizing social distancing, and adopting a mandatory mask policy our hope is to have minimal interruptions to student learning.”
Courses will begin for all students Aug. 17 and continue until Nov. 13 without a Fall Break. Final exams will take place Nov. 17-20 with commencement following on Nov. 21. Labor Day will still be observed on Sept. 7. USAO is providing a variety of opportunities for students to take their courses through a combination of offering hybrid, full in person with social distancing, and online courses.
All USAO students, faculty, staff and campus visitors are required to wear masks inside all university buildings and outdoors on campus when social distancing cannot be maintained.
Campus buildings will remain closed to the public through the fall semester. For the fall, use of space is dedicated to core mission activities – teaching, learning, research, student groups and activities – and restricted to the campus community.
In June, USAO announced a tuition freeze for the 2020-21 academic year. This decision was approved by the USAO Board of Regents and the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.
“Not increasing our tuition and fees flat is one of the most critical ways we can lessen some of our students’ anxieties,” said Feaver.
The university is continually monitoring the situation and will continue to prepare for multiple scenarios and be ready to make any necessary adjustments should the need arise.
To learn more about the fall reopening plan visit