USAO Foundation reports over 45 percent increase in annual donations

The University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma Foundation has reported a 45.5 percent year-over-year increase in private donations. In the recently closed 2022 fiscal year, the foundation received $2,861,871.17, compared to the previous year’s $1,966,853.28.
These funds come from a wide range of sources including grants from government institutions, corporate giving programs, donations from alumni and other private individuals as well as bequests and other estate gifts from those who have passed on. They support the USAO mission in a variety of ways including student scholarships, capital projects, endowed chairs, and research support among many other areas.
“Many colleges and universities have taken a dip in fundraising due to the enduring pandemic, the challenging geopolitical climate and the uncertain U.S. economy. For us to experience such an enormous increase in our donations speaks volumes about the dedication and loyalty of our generous alumni and friends,” said JP Audas, vice president for advancement and executive director of the USAO Foundation. “The foundation will steward these contributions carefully and thoughtfully in order to maximize the impact these gifts have on our faculty, staff and students.”
Recent significant contributions include a $10,000 grant from the Oklahoma Arts Council in support of the university’s acclaimed Davis-Waldorf Performing Arts Series, which will begin its 22nd season in the coming months. A $100,000 donation from the estate of alumna Nance Wier will provide funding for a major renovation project to the Davis Hall Amphitheatre, the most popular teaching space on campus. Wier was a 1945 graduate of the university, then known as the Oklahoma College for Women.
Incorporated in 1977, the USAO Foundation supports the university’s mission through the investment and management of donated funds for a robust scholarship program, performance and arts series, numerous symposia, faculty and student projects and other ways that benefit the institution.
For more information, contact Audas at 405-574-1393 or