Fourteen Students Inducted Into Hypatia Society

Fourteen Students Inducted Into Hypatia Society
Fourteen students were inducted into the Hypatia Honor Society March 22 at the University of Science and Arts. Hypatia is the university’s only campus-wide honor society. Students cannot apply for membership; they are hand-selected for Hypatia by a faculty committee. Special guest speaker U.S. Senator Tom Cole addressed the students at the noon luncheon.
The Hypatia Honor Society was founded in 1923 to honor students for their high academic achievements, character, integrity and service to the university and community. Every student inducted into Hypatia is a multiple trimester member of the USAO Honor Roll and/or the Regents Honor Roll. The honor society was named after Hypatia, the famous Greek female mathematician.
Officers for the Fall Initiation were President Russell Dull, computer science senior of Chickasha; Vice President John Micue, psychology senior of Moore; and Secretary Emily Glenn, communication senior of Jones. Faculty sponsors for the Hypatia Honor Society are James Pasley, assistant professor of political science; C.M. Mather, professor of biology; Nancy Hector, assistant professor in education; Kent Lamar, professor of art; and Vice President of Academic Affairs Sanders Huguenin.
Following are the names of the students honored, along with a brief summary of their academic major and activities.
Mary Lucinda Elledge is a senior political science and history double major from Chickasha. She is the vice president of the Political Science Club, a member of Pi Sigma Alpha and serves as a volunteer for the Friends of the Library, the Chickasha Area Arts Council and the Grady County Historical Society.
Danyele Oxford is a senior music education major from Chickasha. She is a member of University Musicians, the Student Association, the Concert Band and the Concert Choir.
Laura Lamb, a music education senior from Blanchard, is a member of University Musicians and the USAO Concert Choir.
Keila Simmons is a business administration junior from Cyril and the recipient of several university scholarships.
Tria’Shonda Gaines is a psychology senior from Dallas, Texas. She is president of the Lawson Court Council and serves as a member of Psi Chi, Pi Gamma Mu, the African American Club, the International Club, the Psychology Club and the USAO Step Team.
Ryan Schneider is a history senior and sociology double major pursuing a political science minor. Originally from Marlow, he is a member of Pi Gammu Mu and the History Club.
Amber Myers, deaf education senior from Mooreland, is president of the American Sign Language Club. She is a member of the Baptist Student Union leadership team, College Republicans, SPECS (Spectators Club), Alpha Lambda Delta and Kappa Delta Pi. In addition, she works on campus as a resident assistant and math tutor.
Julia Wells is a Norman fine arts senior studying with an emphasis on illustration and painting. She donated two of her art projects to the Nature Conservancy, which garnered a profit of $2,000 for the organization.
Daniel Lemons is a senior economics and history double major pursuing a minor in Spanish. He is from Oklahoma City and is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, Pi Gammu Mu and Phi Lambda Chi.
Chelsea McClanahan, art junior from Oklahoma City, is a member of the Art Club and the Biology Club.
Benjamin Bauer is a business administration senior from Oologah. He is the vice president of the President’s Leadership Council, the secretary of College Republicans, and a member of the Baptist Student Union, the Droverstock Committee, Student Activities Board and SPECS (Spectators Club). He also works as a volunteer at Trinity Baptist Church.
Lauren Wilsie, an early childhood education senior from Tecumseh, is the vice president of Em Hi and a member of Student Activities Board, College Democrats, the Volunteer Action Council, the Ambassadors Club, the President’s Leadership Council and USAO Cheerleading.
Jessica Hatlestad is a political science junior from Tucson, Ariz. She also is pursuing a minor in communication. Hatlestad is president of the Ambassadors Club and chair of the Feminist Collective. She serves as a member of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Student Advisory Board, the Political Science Club, the Literary Club, the President’s Leadership Council and the Student Activities Board.
Rose Morton is a Tulsa deaf education senior with a concentration in English. She is a member of the Students for Creative Anachronism Club and the American Sign Language Club.