USAO to host fourth annual Giving Day Feb. 27

The University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma will hold its fourth annual Giving Day—24 straight hours devoted to fundraising—on Thursday, Feb. 27.
This year’s goal is to raise in excess of $100,000 in support of USAO’s mission as Oklahoma’s only public liberal arts university, and generate awareness of and enthusiasm for educational philanthropy.
Giving Day will feature numerous challenges and matching gifts to increase the value of each individual’s donation. A variety of on-campus activities will highlight the impact that an investment in education can make.
“This special day creates a unique opportunity to inspire giving, celebrate generosity and strengthen USAO,” said JP Audas, director of development. “When people decide to support education, they are choosing to make an investment that benefits our entire state and beyond. A gift of any size makes a difference, creates opportunities and changes lives. Help us make an impact by giving on or before February 27!”
USAO students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends will be reaching out via their social media networks to share their stories, why they give back to USAO, and why others should join in making an investment in the university.
Learn more or make a donation at For more information, contact Sarah Stagg, associate director of development and alumni, at or (405) 574-1344.