High school art contest registrations due Feb. 22

“Tools of the Trade” won Best of Show during 2011’s Innovation art competition. The photograph was the work of Alexis Allen of Alva High School. Registration for this year's competition is open to all Oklahoma high school junior and senior artists.

High school art contest registrations due Feb. 22



Cash prizes, public exhibition and multiple awards are up for grabs to the winners of this year’s Innovations art competition at the University of Science and Arts. Registration for high school artists is Feb. 22.


Registration is open to all Oklahoma high school junior and senior artists. Students may use any preferred media. Last year’s show drew more than 110 students from 18 Oklahoma schools. Previous entries have included photography, watercolor, acrylic paint, steel, wire, ceramics and more.


“USAO and Innovations provide a great opportunity for juniors and seniors to display their art in a gallery setting,” said Jacquelyn Knapp, associate professor of art and director of the Innovations show. “I am always excited to see the new creations coming from art programs across the state and beyond.”


Students throughout the state may submit up to three original pieces of art for the competition. Entry fees are $3 per work. The deadline for all submissions is Feb. 22 by 7 p.m. Entries may be mailed to the USAO art department or delivered in person to the third floor of Davis Hall on the USAO campus.


Interested students and art teachers can view rules, download registration and entry forms and tags by visiting -- under the ‘Contests' section.


Due to budget restraints, the art department will not mail invitations to individual schools to participate in the show. "All of the forms you need are on the website,” Knapp said.


Information on the USAO art department's can also be found on Facebook and Twitter. The Twitter site is located at The Facebook page can be found by searching "USAO Art Department" in the Facebook search engine.


Knapp credits high school art instructors for the success of their students and the art contest. “Oklahoma has excellent art teachers that are working beyond the call of duty to prepare their students to study art at a university and the Innovations competition was designed specifically to showcase these young artists.”


USAO student Wendy Chambers recalled her own participation in Innovations, noting “it played a really big role in my process when deciding to attend USAO as an art student.”


Chambers’ piece won the Judge’s Choice and she received an award of merit in 2008.


Art from the show is scheduled to be on exhibit Feb. 27-March 9. The awards presentation is scheduled March 9 at 1 p.m. at the university. Awards include 11 cash awards plus a People’s Choice Award. Cash prizes will be determined based on the number of entries received.


A panel composed of USAO art faculty will judge all entries. Visitors to the exhibit will decide on the People’s Choice Award.


“I believe it is important for young artists to see their competition and this venue provides the opportunity for their art to hang next to other artists from across the state,” Knapp said.


The art contest also provides an opportunity for high school seniors to make connections with USAO art faculty and to become familiar with the art program at the university. “All seniors,” Knapp noted, “can apply for art talent scholarships with a portfolio review.”


For more information about Innovations, or to schedule an appointment for a scholarship review, call Jacquelyn Knapp at 405-574-1303, 405-574-1302 or e-mail at