Innovations 2011

Innovations 2011
Click here for last years results!
USAO Innovations 2011 High School Art Competition
Sponsored by USAO Art Department
Dates & Times Delivery Date: February 23, 10am-7pm - Exhibition Date: Feb 28 - March 11
Awards Presentation: Friday, March 11 @ 1pm Pick up Work: Friday, March 11, 1:30pm - 5:00pm
ALL Work should be picked up by 5:00pm on March 11th. ***USAO will not be responsible for unclaimed work.
Entry Fees & Rules $3 dollars per entry. Maximum 3 entries per student.
Open to Juniors (grade 11) and Seniors (grade 12) only. All media accepted. Work must not exceed 4 feet in any direction. All work entered must remain throughout the duration of the show.
Rules, registration forms and tags can be downloaded from:, click on Innovations 2010 or go to and click on Innovations. Registration forms should be filled out by instructor and should accompany entries. Include information of all student entries. Students can enter individually. Attach tag to bottom right with information visible from the front. All works must be ready to hang. Picture wire is required for hanging work with metal or wood frames, especially work under glass. All 2D work on paper must be matted and backed with stiff cardboard or foamboard. DO NOT use masking tape or duck tape. They will not hold. Instead use kraft or paper tape or clear packing tape. If work is not ready to hang, it will not be considered. All work must be suitable for public display. All work subject to jury by the USAO Art Faculty.
Submission of work into Innovations 2011 by entrant grants permission for the use and reproduction of entrant's name and/or entered work for publicity and/or recruiting purposes by the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.
Cash Awards
***11 cash awards plus People's Choice*** Awards will be based on Merit deemed appropriate by the USAO Art Faculty.
All entrants will be notified of Judging Results via email address. Awards will also be posted at and> after judging. Check out the USAO Art Department Fan page on Facebook or follow us on Twitter at USAOartdept
The Art Department is located on the third floor of Davis Hall on the campus of the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma in Chickasha, Oklahoma.
For more information contact: Jacquelyn Knapp, Director of Innovations @ 405-574-1303 or
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