Innovations 2015 awards young Oklahoma artists for excellence

Piedmont's Marisa Brown posing with Jacquelyn Knapp, associate professor of art.
Marisa Brown of Piedmont (second from left) won the Best in Show award for her piece “Porter Robinson” in the Innovations 2015 art competition. Jackie Knapp (third from left) presents Brown with the award. Layne Thrift (left), assistant professor of art, and Steve Brown, professor of art, were two of five judges in the competition. The awards, which were given out March 6, featured work submitted from 15 different schools.

Innovations 2015 awards young Oklahoma artists for excellence


More than 110 students faced off recently at Innovations, an annual high school art competition held at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma. Students from high schools around the state competed in the art competition held exclusively for high school juniors and seniors.

USAO’s art faculty assessed 259 entries in order to assign 27 awards of merit, 10 judges’ choice awards and one award for best in show.

This year’s Best in Show prize was awarded to Marisa Brown of Piedmont for her marker drawing titled, “Porter Robinson.”

Jackie Knapp, associate professor of art and department coordinator, said the piece stood out as a winner because, “although small in dimension, it contained a magnetism and strength that grabbed our attention easily. It was well constructed, well designed and made from a creative approach to liquefied marker.”

The awards, which were given out March 6 in a ceremony held in the Third Floor Gallery at USAO, featured work submitted from 15 different schools. Judges’ choice winners were awarded $40. The Best in Show award is $100.

“Art entered into Innovations 2015 displays a great deal of talent by high school students across the state,” Knapp observed.

“The USAO art department is proud to offer this opportunity for students to make connections with the art faculty and to become familiar with the art program at USAO.”

The winners for Innovations 2015 were as follows:


Best of Show

Piedmont – Marisa Brown 


Judges’ Choice

Alva – EmmaRae Cook, Caleb Smith

Bethel – Hailey Blaylock

Duncan – Ryan Neal

Elgin – Alexis Armendariz

El Reno – Tiffany Mollohan

Lindsay – Keely Ford, Jazmin Lopez

Mustang – Cierra Vaughan

Thomas – Annie McSparrin


Award of Merit

Alva - Jesus Arizmendi, Gage Bouziden, EmmaRae Cook

Bethel – Pamela Carter

Cache – Brendan Cuevas, Michaela Dowen

Crescent – Tessa Madsen

Duncan – Selena Cruz

Elgin – Alexis Armendariz, Napassawan Saenai

Lindsay – Alexia Robbins

Mustang – Chanel Hayes, Noby Raghavan, Cierra Vaughan, Ashley Vu

Turpin – Annalynn Kirkhart

Tuttle – Allie Garrett, Jamie Thompson

Weatherford – Jesus Galindo, Sydney Williamson

Westmoore – Lauren Criswell, Nicole Lance, Josh Vera, Joanna Yoon