Mysteries of paying for college unraveled Jan. 26

Whether seeking professional technical training like Brooke Shropshire (left), a junior from Chickasha High School studying about health careers at the Canadian Valley Technology Center, or going after a college degree like Nolan Crowdus (right), a junior physical education major from Arlington, Texas, getting the facts about financial aid can help students reach career goals without bankrupting them or their families. Paying for College 101 is a community service designed to provide this kind of information and is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Jan. 26 at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.

Mysteries of paying for college unraveled Jan. 26



If all the transitions associated with sending a child to college are difficult, figuring out how to pay for it can seem like an unresolvable problem for a family struggling just to make ends meet in a tough economy. Fortunately, no one has to muddle through this process alone.


On Jan. 26, five specialists will come together in one place to guide families through the process of maximizing aid for new and prospective students in an event titled Paying for College 101.


The event is scheduled for 7 p.m. in Station 82 inside the Student Center on the campus of the University of Science and Arts in Chickasha.

This event is free, open to the public and requires no RSVP. 


The Paying for College 101 seminar will be headlined by Kelli Kelnar, an outreach specialist with the Oklahoma College Assistance Program.


Kelnar will present information from the UCanGo2 program that walks parents and students step-by-step through the process of applying for state and federal aid for continuing education beyond high school.


Professionals from a number of higher education institutions also will be on hand to talk about the specifics of obtaining aid. The event is offered as a community service and not for marketing any one institution.


The presenters include Nancy Moats, director of financial aid at USAO; Meghan Morgan, financial aid client services coordinator at Oklahoma City Community College; Teresa Williams, financial aid officer at the Canadian Valley Technology Center and Lorri Thomas, education specialist with the Gear Up program run by the Oklahoma State Regents for High Education.


After the presentations, students and parents are encouraged to ask members of the panel questions specific to their concerns.


For more information about Paying for College 101, interested persons are invited to call (405) 574-1357.