USAO student to hold art exhibit and lecture at Norman coffeehouse

Art student and Guthrie native Lacey Dutton, who is due to graduate this semester from the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma, will hold a lecture related to her creative processes at Not Your Average Joe coffeehouse in Norman on Dec. 1 from 5–7 p.m.
Dutton’s event, “Natural Muse,” will help her fulfill the requirements of USAO’ Mentored Research Program, which pairs qualified students with a faculty advisor in the production of an original research project suitable for presentation and publication.
“Lacey has been working with me on this project, which focuses on biological art and developing techniques best suited for the organisms she has chosen to represent,” said Dr. Rachel Jones, dean of the school of science and physical education and associate professor of biology and environmental science. “We encourage everyone to join us and hear about Lacey’s process! She is incredibly talented and the amount of time and research she put into her project is impressive to say the least.”
Dutton came to USAO with the goal of becoming an animator, but the university’s interdisciplinary model led her to also minor in psychology and biology. She plans to pursue a career that intertwines both science and art to educate others, specifically in regards to the natural world.