New scholarship opportunities for overseas study

New scholarship opportunities for overseas study
Students interested in studying abroad have a new opportunity in a one-time scholarship recently announced at the University of Science and Arts.
Students interested in applying for the scholarship are required to turn in an application by April 1.
The scholarship application should include an unofficial transcript, three references with contact information and a 350-word essay explaining how travel abroad will affect the student’s educational and professional goals.
Scholarship applications should be delivered to Dr. Brenda Brown, professor of English, in room 119b of Davis Hall.
Brown says that there are a number of ways to apply the scholarship.
“Currently we have four destinations available to USAO students in England, France, Spain through USAO’s consortium agreement with Midwestern State and Costa Rica through Oklahoma Study Abroad,” Brown says.
Scholarship awards will depend on the number of students who qualify and are accepted.
“Fortune will favor the swift and the qualified,” Brown says, “so I’m encouraging students who want to take advantage of these additional funds to get their materials into me as soon as possible.”
More information about the overseas educational scholarship can be obtained by calling 574-1207.