Obituary - Elsie Null Served with Distinction from 1943-81

Obituary - Elsie Null Served with Distinction from 1943-81
Services for Dr. Elsie Null, 93, of Chickasha are scheduled Thursday (May 6) at 1:30 p.m. at Ferguson Funeral Home. Dr. Null taught for more than 38 years at this institution, spanning all three legacies -- from the World War II days at the Oklahoma College for Women, through the Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts period, and into the modern University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma era.
“Dr. Elsie Null provided steady leadership among faculty members at the Oklahoma College
for Women, a career that lasted nearly four decades,” said USAO President John Feaver.
“We salute her life and memory. Her career continued through the institution’s transition
to coeducational status in 1965, and she retired in the early 1980s after 38 years
of service. Dr. Null represents the kind of dedication and loyalty that marked the
OCW era — selfless women who made it their personal mission to enhance the education
and career opportunities of young women. Not only was she a faculty member but also
an alum. She graduated from OCW in 1938.”
Elsie L. Null was born January 4, 1917, in Ninnekah, the daughter of Lloyd and Susie
(Jones) Null. She died May 3, 2010, in Chickasha.
Null earned a master’s degree at Oklahoma State University and a doctorate from the
University of Oklahoma in 1954. She did additional post-graduate work at Southern
Methodist University and the University of Pennsylvania.
Null joined the OCW faculty in 1943 and taught courses in business. Eventually, she
chaired the division of business and social studies and until her death retained the
title of professor emeritus of business education.
She was named to the USAO Alumni Hall of Fame in 1985.
She was a life member of the National Educational Association and Oklahoma Education
Association. She was also a member of National Association of Business Teachers, the
Oklahoma Association of Business Teachers, the Oklahoma College Teacher Association
and Delta Kappa Gamma. She served as president of Gamma State; a member of the International
Committee on Program and director of Project North America in Indian Education; first
vice president of Delta Kappa Gamma International; secretary of Grady County Infantile
Paralysis Association; treasurer of Friends of the Library; and as consultant for
Oklahoma Association of Postmasters. She was honored by Who’s Who of American Women,
Who’s Who in Education, International Who’s Who of Women, and for 50 years service
of Eastern Star. She was also a member of First Christian Church in Chickasha.
She is survived by her sister, Lorene Null, of the home, who served for many years
on the OCW staff as director of food services.