Oklahoma mag labels USAO 'a great place to work'

Oklahoma mag labels USAO 'a great place to work'
Oklahoma Magazine has selected the University of Science and Arts as one of four Oklahoma universities providing outstanding work environments.
In the December 2011 issue, the magazine ran a feature titled “2011 Great Companies to Work For” that included a special section on institutions of higher education. In it, the University of Oklahoma, Northeastern State University, Rogers State University and USAO are showcased as among the best higher education jobs in the state.
The university is praised for displaying a “sense of community” not often found in modern workplaces. The article goes on to suggest that educators find USAO special for its emphasis on teaching over research and/or publishing for its faculty.
Randy Talley, USAO’s media and community relations director, underscored that point, saying “for people who love to teach, this is a destination.”
“With 93 percent of the faculty at USAO holding the highest degree in their fields,” the article noted, “USAO is truly a community of scholars.”
Dr. Erik Guzik, associate professor of economics, affirms Talley’s impressions.
“USAO actively supports an environment in which faculty are given the freedom to pursue a variety of individual goals and initiatives: to develop new courses, to present at campus events, to sponsor student clubs and to pursue different research interests,” Guzik says.
“The general atmosphere of USAO is conducive to innovative activities and pursuits, which I think is best illustrated by the very interesting and important work our faculty and staff are now doing across the institution.
It’s probably not by chance that USAO is home to so many interesting and productive faculty and staff: the right institution attracts the right people.”