Oklahoma Painting and Drawing Biennial Award-Winning Artists will Speak at an Artist Symposium

Oklahoma Painting and Drawing Biennial Award-Winning Artists will Speak at an Artist Symposium
Join the Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition and some of the Oklahoma Painting and Drawing Biennial award-winning artists, John Cox, F. Bradley Jessop and Sharon McCoy on June 7 at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma in Chickasha for an artist Symposium at 3:30pm. The event is free and open to the public.
Each artist will give a brief presentation about their work. The artists will also be available for questions from the audience. This is a great opportunity for all Oklahoma artists to hear and learn from other artists. It will be a forum for success!
OVAC is dedicated to helping artists succeed as artists. One of the best ways to achieve this mission is to coordinate exhibits, such as the Oklahoma Painting and Drawing Biennial that highlight state artists and award their dedication and creativity.
Spotlighting the finest in contemporary painting and drawing, Oklahoma Painting and Drawing Biennial VIII is on exhibit through June 10, 2005 in the Art Gallery at the USAO in Chickasha. The Oklahoma Painting and Drawing Biennial VIII is organized by the Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition, featuring the most outstanding contemporary arts and artists in Oklahoma.
Three artists received “Honorable Mention”, which included a $500 cash award. The “Honorable Mention” awards went to Larry Preston and Ms. Michael Wilson of Norman and Ada artist Kathleen Rivers. Two artists received “Award of Merit”, which included a $1500 cash award. “Awards of Merit” were issued to Sharon McCoy of OKC and F. Bradley Jessop of Sulphur. One “Best of Show” was awarded to Guthrie artist John Cox, with a $2000 cash award.
For more information, visit the OVAC website call 405-232-6991. The Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition supports visual artists in Oklahoma and promotes the arts.