Edmond Couple Endow New Scholarship for Students in Need

The University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma can now offer even more financial aid options to students thanks to the generosity of Gary and Barbara Sparks of Edmond. The couple recently endowed the Laura Ann Sparks scholarship through the USAO Foundation to honor their daughter’s fond memories of her undergraduate experience at the school, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in physical education in 2007.
The scholarship is available to upperclassmen with demonstrated financial need and at least a 2.5 GPA.
“The Sparks family prove once again that a USAO education has a generational impact on families and on the state of Oklahoma,” said JP Audas, vice president for advancement and executive director of the USAO Foundation. “Their tremendous generosity not only honors Laura’s achievements, but it provides a springboard for innumerable future students to accomplish their own dreams, whatever they may be.”
During her time at USAO, Laura Sparks not only developed lifelong friendships, but found herself surrounded by understanding faculty and an overall environment that helped her learn more about herself and the world around her. She credits the university with helping her build the confidence needed to complete her master’s degree at Oklahoma State University.
“Laura grew up having a learning disability, and this made academics a challenge,” said Barbara Sparks. “She worked diligently in school, never making excuses for herself. When she finished high school, she was determined to go to college. She immediately felt welcomed and at home when she first came to the USAO campus. In dedicating this endowment in her name, we hope that her example of persistence, hard work and gratitude for the university will inspire future students to reach their goals.”
For more information, contact Audas at (405) 574-1393 or jpaudas@usao.edu.