Student Spotlight: Jensen Link

A headshot of USAO student Jensen Link against a white backdrop.
Jensen Link has thrived in USAO's interconnected atmosphere.

Jensen Link first learned about the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma through recommendations from his peers and family, noting its academic reputation, low-cost and small size. But the accommodations available to him through the school’s Neill-Wint Center for Neurodiversity, a groundbreaking support program for students with autism spectrum disorder, were what really cemented his decision to pursue his college degree here.

A history major, Link chose this area of study because he enjoys learning about events from the past that have shaped our world, and about the lessons we can learn from famous peoples like the Greeks, Romans and the United States’ founding fathers. He is already looking towards the future and ways that he can leverage his bachelor’s degree towards greater success.

“I would say grad school will be in my future, either seminary or law school,” said Link.

During his time at USAO, Link’s two biggest mentors have been Dr. Kevin Crow, professor of history, and Dr. James Finck, associate professor of American history. They have both provided him with many ways to get involved around campus as well as the freedom to create his own path for the future.

Link is involved on campus as a tutor for the Student Success Center, and also serves on the leadership team for the Baptist Campus Ministries. He says both organizations have been great opportunities to help him get out of his comfort zone, expand his network and give back to the USAO community.

“I feel like I have grown both in the maturity of my mind, but also in self-discipline. The growth I have experienced will transfer over into every work environment and personal endeavor that I encounter, from the professional workplace to even having a family,” said Link.

Despite getting closer and closer to graduation, Link says his personal development is not done and feels that USAO still has a great deal to teach him.

“I would say something that I want to improve on personally would be to achieve a balance between friends, community involvement and schoolwork,” he said. “While it is difficult to achieve a perfect balance, I still strive to not only try my best in college but also enjoy the moment, creating long-lasting friendships and memories.”