Student Spotlight: Cassidy Bennett

A recent graduate with a degree in business management, Cassidy Bennett was first called to the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma after being scouted to play softball. She came to the university already having lots of friends on the team, and she has kept them close throughout her college experience.
Bennett says that if she hadn’t been on the team, it would have been hard to complete her education. “My best and worst moments were spent with my team. They’re always there to catch me when I fall,” said Bennett.
In addition to her team, one other person helped Bennet get through college: Christa Copeland, instructor of business. To Bennett, Copeland is her mentor, role model and one of the biggest reasons she walked across the stage in the spring 2019.
In a place full of amazing staff and memories for Bennett, Copeland continues to teach her more every day. “She’s a gift from God. If anyone wants you to graduate from college, it’s her,” Bennett said.
USAO’s close-knit campus community and the small class sizes helped this resident of the small town of Lexington feel more at home. Already possessing strong leadership qualities when she started school, the university’s interdisciplinary curriculum helped Bennett develop a more open mind as she learned more about the world. “I feel like I’ve learned so many new things about people and the world that I can effectively use my degree for what I want to do,” she said.
Though she can’t even begin to explain every wonderful moment she’s had at USAO, Bennett does say that attending the university is “the best decision I ever made.” She wants to continue supporting the softball team as an alumna and would gladly come back to the university in a professional capacity if given the chance. Though her time at USAO has come to a close, Bennett will continue to hold her memories and experiences from college very close to her heart.