USAO staff members accepted to Council on Student Affairs Leadership Academy

Two University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma staff members have been selected to participate as academy fellows in the 2021-22 Council on Student Affairs Leadership Academy by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. Cynthia Fuston, coordinator for student engagement, and Jay Mayes, student life and housing coordinator, were welcomed as academy fellows in this year’s opening ceremony Dec. 9.

The academy is designed to enhance professional development, create cutting-edge leadership skills, further career opportunities and assist in career advancement for student affairs specialists. Highly experienced, senior-level administrators lead the participants in a series of issue-oriented virtual forums over the course of the academic year.

“Getting accepted into the COSA Leadership Academy is a great honor for anyone working in our state’s higher education system,” said President John Feaver. “The wealth of opportunities Cynthia and Jay will have available, whether learning directing from long-serving executives or networking with their peers at other universities, will allow USAO to continue improving the way we serve students and continue to forge the tight-knit bonds that have been this institution’s hallmark for over a century.”

COSA serves as a key advisory council to the chancellor, State Regents staff and other state officials regarding issues and policies that affect the welfare and development of students enrolled in the Oklahoma higher education system. It also serves as a forum for student affairs officers to discuss matters of common interest, conducts studies and issues reports designed to strengthen co-curricular programs and student support services at member institutions.