USAO receives excellence rating from Certified Healthy Oklahoma

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Recognized as a leader in creating a positive environment for employees and students, the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma was named a Certified Healthy Campus for the second year in a row. 

This year, USAO was placed in the “Excellence” category, which means the institution scored at least 60 points for its health and wellness programs based on a set of 10 criteria.

“This certification highlights all the ways that USAO improves our community beyond its main mission as an educational institution,” said Nancy Hughes, dean of students. “We were scored across 10 categories that gauged everything from alignment with the mission of higher education to cultural competency to theory and evidence-based practices in mental health, safety and other health subjects. That we are in the Excellence category shows just how effective our health and wellness programs are.”

Created in 2011, the Certified Healthy Campus program recognizes both public and private post-secondary campuses and career technology centers that provide health and wellness services to their faculty, staff and students. By creating this healthier environment, campuses can support better personal choices and positive behavior modification, in addition to policy adoption and implementation.

The Certified Healthy Campus program is one of the subgroups of Certified Healthy Oklahoma, which also includes separate certifications for businesses, campuses, communities, congregations, restaurants, schools and early childhood programs.

Certified Healthy Oklahoma began in 2003 as a collaborative initiative between the Oklahoma Turning Point Council, Oklahoma Academy for State Goals, Oklahoma State Chamber and Oklahoma State Department of Health. This free, voluntary statewide certification, challenges all Oklahomans to eat better, move more and be tobacco-free, as well as implementing policies to create healthier environments throughout our state.