Standing Committees

University Committees

Current University Committees  |  Committees of the Faculty Association

University Committees are appointed by and are advisory to the President. Committee appointments become effective July 1st and expire June 30th. The Office of the President will distribute a list of members of the University Committees. Each university committee will have a written statement of its operating procedures and submit an annual report of their activities to the University President by April 30th which will then be distributed to appropriate stakeholders.

This resource provides a current list of university committees, their responsibilities, and a description of their membership. Faculty and staff committee members serve three year staggered terms unless otherwise specified; students serve one year terms. The President designates chairs of standing University committees unless specified in the committee charge. Unless otherwise denoted, President refers to the President of the University. Criteria for inclusion on this official listing of University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma committees:

  • The committee is sponsored directly or indirectly by the President or a Vice President
  • Committee members represent a broad range of university constituents
  • The activities of the committee have broad or significant impact within the university
  • The committee is continuous rather than single-project focused

Current University Committees

This committee recommends expenditures of the Academic Activity Fund to support student participation in academic enrichment activities such as student research, conference participation, or academic trips. Membership includes one faculty member from each School nominated by the Academic Deans and one student member nominated by the Student Government Association (SGA).

This committee considers all matters related to academic advising. The Committee (1) provides ongoing assessment of the academic advisement system; (2) develops goals, initiatives, and recommendations to strengthen the academic advisement system and increase student retention; and (3) makes recommendations to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The committee seeks input from multiple stakeholders including student focus groups. Membership includes the Director of the Student Success Center (SSC), Academic Deans, Registrar or designee, Associate VP for Student Success, the VPAA, and the VPEMSL. Recommendations for membership made by the Director of the SSC and Academic Deans.

This Committee meets every two years to establish a two-year cycle of Academic Calendars including first day of classes, add and drop deadlines, withdrawal deadlines, final exam schedules, etc. At any time, the committee will also review any proposed significant changes to the academic calendar. The committee is comprised of the Registrar, VPBF, Director of Financial Aid, VPEMSL, VPAA, and the Faculty Association President. The Committee also considers input from the Academic Deans when substantial changes to the calendar are being made. The Registrar chairs the committee.

This committee advises the Vice President for Academic Affairs on all matters pertaining to the academic mission of USAO. Membership includes the VPAA, Associate VP for Student Success, Academic Deans, Director of Nash Library, Registrar, Director of Institutional Research, Director of Instructional Technology, Grant Directors, Administrative Assistant(s) for Schools, and the Administrative Assistant for Academic Affairs. The Academic Council meets bi-weekly and the Vice President for Academic Affairs chairs the committee.

This committee hears cases of academic dishonesty referred to it by the Office of Academic Affairs. The committee determines the presence or absence of academic dishonesty, determines the severity, and imposes sanctions in accordance with university policy. Membership includes one faculty member from each School (cannot be Academic Deans) who have been employed at least three years at the time of appointment nominated by the Faculty Association and two junior or senior students nominated by the VPAA.

This committee, created by provisions of the Academic Tenure Policy, provides a hearing for tenure candidates when the recommendation to the Regents is to deny tenure. The committee provides a hearing for promotion candidates at any stage of the process when the candidate has received a negative recommendation. This committee will not review the substantive decision.  It will review and determine only whether required procedures have been followed. The Committee also provides a forum as described under the University Exigency Policy. The committee is composed entirely of faculty.  Faculty members on this committee must have 2 years of experience at USAO, cannot be Academic Deans while serving, and cannot be members of the Tenure and Promotion Committee while serving.  Four members are nominated by the Faculty Association and the 5th member is nominated by the President.

This committee creates a forum for the faculty to work in collaboration with academic administration to develop a comprehensive set of academic policies and procedures.  This charge outlines the goals of the committee and its membership. Membership includes one Academic Dean, one faculty member from each School, Faculty Association President, the VPAA, and Registrar or designee. Membership is nominated by the Academic Deans.


The enduring concern of the Academic Policy and Procedures Committee is ensuring the quality of the learning experience and the integrity of the USAO degree, and advancing an institutional perspective and practice in all areas of academic affairs. The initial goals for the committee will be to:

  • Collect and centralize all current academic policies and procedures
  • Establish a common format for the articulation of policies and procedures
  • Develop an effective communication system for engagement with draft policies and procedures by faculty, academic administration, students, and staff in other divisions.
  • Develop a systematic approval process reflecting the shared governance of academic policy and procedure.
  • Develop an effective notification system for the communication of finalized policies and procedures to the same groups.
  • Draft and bring forward for discussion and approval policies and procedures required to meet the requirements of the Higher Learning Commission, state statute and policy, and federal statute and policy.
  • Review policies annually and make recommendation to the VPAA for which policies may need updating.

This committee reviews academic records of students who fail to meet retention standards and makes recommendations concerning continued enrollment. Membership includes one faculty member from each School nominated by the Faculty Association, two staff nominated by the President, and the Registrar.

This committee is responsible for the development and continual evaluation of the academic priorities at USAO. The committee plays a pivotal role during the strategic planning process, gathering stakeholder input to develop and refine the academic strategic goals, measurable outcomes, and implementation plan. The committee reviews benchmarks and provides an adaptable approach in meeting the strategic goals. The committee offers input into the allocation of resources to support the academic strategic plan. Membership includes one faculty member from each School nominated by the Faculty Association, Faculty Association President, Faculty Association President-Elect/Treasurer, Academic Deans, Director of Institutional Research, and the VPAA.

This committee meets with the President to facilitate transparent communication and dialog with the campus at large about institution initiatives and decisions in support of moving USAO forward. Membership includes administrators and directors from all key administrative areas of the University, Vice Presidents, Special Assistants to the President, and the Administrative Assistant for the President.  The President of the University chairs the Administrative Council.

This committee guides the process and procedures for implementing and evaluating assessment on campus. This includes implementation of the comprehensive plan for the development (provide templates where appropriate), collection, evaluation, and dissemination of assessment results. The Assessment Committee is made up of four Working Subcommittees and an Advisory Committee. The chair of each Working Subcommittee sits on the Assessment Advisory Committee along with the VPAA and Assessment Coordinator. The VPAA and Assessment Coordinator also serve on all four Working Subcommittees.  Members and the chairs of each Working Subcommittee are nominated by the VPAA.  The committee charges are listed below.

Assessment Advisory

This committee will provide oversight, identify needs, and develop policies regarding institution-wide assessment to strengthen the university and enhance its accountability. The committee will provide support, workshops, and consultation with faculty regarding learning outcomes assessment, promote campus discussion and reflection on assessment results, and will provide feedback to ensure assessment data is used to inform decisions. The committee will ensure assessment efforts are efficient and will review reports from the four Working Subcommittees to develop the Comprehensive Assessment Report submitted to the President.

Assessment of Disciplines

This committee provides guidance and assistance on the development and review of student learning outcomes in the disciplines, guides the schedule of assessment activities of majors and/or minors, reviews program annual assessment plans and reports, and provides feedback to programs. This committee will collect, evaluate, and submit a report to the Advisory Committee.

Assessment of IDS

This committee provides guidance and assistance on the development and review of student learning outcomes in the IDS core curriculum. This committee will collect, evaluate, and submit a report to the Advisory Committee.

Assessment of Learning Environment

This committee establishes student learning goals and outcomes for co-curricular/learning environment and creates a schedule of assessment activities. This committee will collect, evaluate, and submit a report to the Advisory Committee.

Assessment of Meaningful Life

This committee develops the processes and procedures for assessing the impact of a USAO degree. The intent is to discover if alumni are leading meaningful and purposeful lives. This committee will collect, evaluate, and submit a report to the Advisory Committee.

This committee prepares materials and plans the commencement exercises including the timely submission of a facility request. This committee may consider proposals and recommend changes to the ceremony. Membership includes the Registrar, a representative from the Registrar’s Office, a representative from Communications and Marketing, one music faculty, one faculty nominated by Faculty Association, the Director of Alumni Development, the Technical Director/Facilities Manager, and a student nominated by SGA. The Registrar chairs the committee.

This committee reviews University Committees for their charge, efficiency, make-up, and nominating entity. It also recommends committee membership to the President. Membership includes the VPAA, VPEMSL, Director of Financial Aid, Academic Deans, Faculty Association President, Faculty Association President-Elect/Treasurer, Staff Association President, and the Director of Institutional Research.

This committee recommends expenditures of the Cultural and Recreation Activity Fund to provide recreational, cultural, and entertainment programming on campus. Membership includes two faculty nominated by the President, one student nominated by SGA, two staff nominated by the President, the VPEMSL, and the SAB President. The VPEMSL chairs the committee.

This committee considers cases of student behavior which are referred to the committee for recommendations for disposition of the cases. Membership includes faculty, students, and staff nominated by the Dean of Students. Committee members will serve on a panel for judicial/discipline hearings. The Dean of Students can add members as needed. The panel shall consist of at least three members and no more than five including one faculty, one student, and one staff. The faculty or staff member will serve as the chair of the panel. The panel will determine responsibility for the alleged violation and recommend appropriate sanctions to the Dean of Students.

This committee provides guidance and oversight for the University's emergency and disaster management programs, including planning, training, and other preparedness issues. Membership includes representatives from Student Success, Human Resources, Academic Affairs, Business and Finance, and Student Services. The committee will consult with other areas and personnel as needed including science, art, the Child Development Center, and athletics.  The committee is chaired by the VPEMSL.

Membership includes the Director of ALSF Center, Coordinator of DWPAS, Coordinator of Theatre Arts Department, Chair of History Symposium, Chair of Festival of Arts and Ideas, Communications & Marketing, Facilities Manager, Chair of Symposia Committee, Coordinator of Art Department, Athletic Director or Designee, Music Department Representative, Ableson Chair in Religious Studies, Director of the Nesbit Gallery, Director of Alumni Relations and University Development, and Chair of Student Showcase Committee. The Facilities Manager chairs the committee.  This committee

  1. Solicits and collects information about all USAO events that include any of the following:
    1. produced for the public
    2. require faculty, staff, and/or student support to present
    3. require marketing and publicity efforts for and beyond our campus
    4. bring non-campus residents to USAO venues
    5. require the reservation of USAO facilities
  2. Create and manage a single events calendar for the university with the goal to
    1. limit overlapping events that would negatively impact attendance
    2. manage the scheduling of events to avoid exhaustion of resources (financial and personnel)
    3. combine or reschedule similar events to prevent audience exhaustion
    4. make information about recurring events accurate and accessible to all who are planning other campus events
  3. Meet at least six months before the start of an Academic Year
    1. to populate the events calendar with all known events and ensure the calendar is available to all
    2. to strategically schedule campus events to complement rather than compete with other events (including community events)
    3. to encourage collaboration among events where appropriate
  4. Evaluate the scheduling effectiveness of these events and consider the creation of scheduling guidelines so that
    1. the number of campus events is appropriate to the size of our student body and resources (financial and personnel)
    2. the variety of event offerings attract audiences through a broad range of experiences

This committee plans, promotes, and executes training, educational programming, and professional development for USAO faculty and staff. If resources are needed for the activity the committee will present a proposal to the President’s Leadership Team for funding.  Membership includes two faculty members nominated by Faculty Association, two staff members nominated by Staff Association, and the Director of Instructional Technology.

This committee recommends solutions to grievances which cannot be resolved between parties concerned. Membership includes three members of the Administration and/or Professional Staff appointed by the President and three tenured faculty members appointed by Faculty Association.

This committee plans and produces the Festivals of Arts, and Ideas. Membership includes one faculty member from each School nominated by Faculty Association, a representative from Communications and Marketing, and two students nominated by SGA. The committee will consult with facilities management including the timely submission of a facility request.  The committee also consults with the Technical Director/Facilities Manager.

This committee reviews all student financial aid appeals and applies Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), institutional scholarship policies, and special requests as needed. These policies incorporate required federal elements and campus policies and procedures. The Director of Financial Aid chairs the committee and nominates all members. Committee members include one faculty member from each School, VPEMSL or designee, a designee from the Registrar’s Office, and a representative from Financial Aid.

This committee reviews research proposals and awards stipends from the Gladys Anderson Emerson fund. Membership includes one faculty from each School nominated by Faculty Association and one at-large faculty or staff nominated by the President.

This committee reviews overarching policies and programs that impact diversity and inclusion at USAO. This includes university policies on Affirmative Action, diversity, equal opportunity, etc. They provide their thoughts and recommendations to the designated university official to build overall awareness, and assure compliance with local, state, and federal laws. Ex officio members include the Director of Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher Center for Social Justice and Racial Healing and a representative from the Neill-Wint Center for Neurodiversity. Two faculty, two staff, and two student (including one international student) members are nominated by the President.

This committee oversees development, assessment, implementation, and review of the IDS core curriculum. Membership includes the VPAA, the Dean of Humanities and IDS, the VPBF, and at least one faculty from each School nominated by the President.

This committee is an administrative body that implements the Code of Federal Regulations established by the Office of Health and Human Services. The Code provides guidance to ensure that human subjects are protected according to federal (Health and Human Services) guidelines. The IRB works with principal investigators from departments that do human subject research to ensure that they understand and are compliant with regulations regarding protections. The IRB reviews applications for human subject research necessary to meet federal requirements regarding the use of human subjects in research. The IRB is also responsible for maintaining IRB application records and documentation on all project applications. The IRB notifies applicants of the disposition of their research proposals in a timely manner.  Membership includes the VPAA, Director of Mentored Research, one outside representative, and relevant faculty members nominated by the VPAA.

This committee monitors all project activities. Membership includes the VPAA, NASNTI Director, and the Director of Instructional Technology (DIT). In addition, the Executive Council may appoint up to three USAO personnel not directly associated with the project.

This committee provides oversight of the PLC program, conducts an annual review of the policies, facilitates the selection of the scholarship recipients, and designates the sponsor from a member of the student services team. Membership includes the Director of Financial Aid, VPEMSL, and staff engaged in admissions first year retention. The President chairs this committee.

The President’s Leadership Team meets with and advises the President on all matters pertaining to USAO.  Membership includes the President, Chief of Staff, Vice Presidents, and the Executive Assistant for the President. The President of the University chairs the committee.

This committee solicits nominations, screens, and recommends awardees for the Regents’ Superior Teaching, Service and Faculty Research Awards.  Membership should include at least one faculty member from each School that may be selected from the previous year’s winners and/or new faculty not eligible for the awards.

This committee solicits nominations, screens, and recommends awardees for the Regents’ Staff Achievement Awards. This committee reviews and updates policies, procedures, and rubrics for the award on an annual basis. This committee meets quarterly. Membership includes two Administrators/Professional Staff.

This committee recommends solutions to student grievances which cannot be resolved between the parties concerned as outlined in the Student Handbook. The VPEMSL chairs the committee and nominates members. Membership includes two faculty, two staff, and two students. 

This committee proposes, implements, evaluates, and updates measures related to student success. This includes measures related to accreditation or other university initiatives.  Membership includes the VPAA, VPEMSL, VPBF, VPADV, Special Assistant to the President, Director of the Student Success Center, Associate VP for Student Success, Director of Financial Aid, Academic Deans, Director of Communications and Marketing, Athletic Director, Director of Institutional Research, Director of Nash Library, Assessment Coordinator, Registrar, a representative for Career Services and/or Internships.  The VPAA and the Director of the Student Success Center co-chair the committee. 

This committee is responsible for planning and execution of the Ray and Mary Giles Symposium in the fall and the Emerson-Wier Liberal Arts Symposium in the spring. The committee should consult as needed with university facilities management including the timely submission of a facility request. The Chair does not rotate and remains on the committee until the position is resigned. Membership includes the VPADV or designee, the Director of Communications and Marketing, at least one faculty member from each School nominated by the President, and two students nominated by the VPEMSL. 

This committee assists the Director of Teacher Education in developing policy for the administration of the Teacher Education Program. The committee acts upon applications for admission to Teacher Education and Student Teaching. Membership is determined by the Director of Teacher Education.

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Committees of the Faculty Association

Through established protocol, the Faculty Association recommends policies and procedures in all matters of an academic nature and in all matters affecting faculty welfare. According to protocol, faculty members participate in decisions concerning curriculum, as well as faculty appointments, reappointments, promotions, and tenure. The President of the Faculty Association, in consultation with the other Faculty Association officers, appoints the members of Faculty Association committees, including the chair of each committee.

The Curriculum Committee, the Resources Committee, and the Faculty Handbook Committee submit their committee-approved recommendations to the Faculty Association for consideration. The Faculty Association then submits recommendations approved by the Faculty Association directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for consideration.

This document provides a current list of the Standing Committees of the USAO Faculty Association, their membership, and the charge and responsibilities of each committee. Faculty members serve two-year staggered terms unless otherwise assigned. Representation from each division is expected on all committees.

Current Faculty Association Committees

This committee receives, reviews, and evaluates proposals for changes to academic courses or curricula. It initiates faculty discussion of proposed changes, then recommends those changes to the Faculty Association. Members include one representative from each School and one member at large. Members of this committee will have taught full time at USAO for at least three years.

This committee studies, reviews, and updates policies and procedures pertaining to faculty. In cooperation with the Vice President for Academic Affairs, this committee edits and revises the Faculty Handbook.  Members include one representative from each School and one member at large.

This committee reviews and recommends criteria for improving the instructional environment at USAO. Committee goals include, but are not limited to: 1) maintaining effective communication between faculty and administration concerning the learning environment; 2) researching and communicating prioritized requests and recommendations for additions, repairs, or renovations to facilities; 3) recommending training, supplies, and other support to maintain and enhance resources for effective and relevant teaching and learning; and 4) reviewing formal recommendations for improvements to faculty benefits to encourage the hiring and retention of high-quality faculty in all programs. Members include the current Faculty Association President, the immediate past President, the President-Elect/Treasurer, and one representative from each School.

This committee advises the Vice President for Academic Affairs in the Tenure, Promotion, and Post-Tenure Review process following the definitions, criteria, and procedures outlined in the Faculty Handbook. This committee conducts an independent and confidential review of each tenure and/or promotion dossier, evaluates recommendations from the School and the Academic Dean, and makes a formal recommendation for each candidate directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Members include two tenured representatives from each School who hold the rank of Associate Professor or Professor.  Ideally, members should represent separate programs within each School. Academic Deans may not serve.

This committee supports the successful transition of new hires as they integrate into the faculty. The committee creates and updates resources designed to acquaint new faculty with USAO and the surrounding community. Committee members serve as points of contact for new faculty to provide information as needed. Interested faculty members may request to join the committee. The committee chair should have served USAO as a faculty member for at least three years. Members from each School who have connections to resources on campus and in the community, and at least one recent hire, should be included when possible.

This committee coordinates public events that feature USAO student research and creative work to the public. Members include the Director of Undergraduate Research and faculty representatives from each School. Representatives who have mentored successful student research and creative projects should be selected to serve. This committee collaborates with the Events Manager/Facilities Technician.

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