Staff Association

Staff Association's Purpose

The University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma Staff Association is organized for the following functions:

  • To serve and participate in an advisory and referral capacity to the President of the University and the University Administration in such policy matters which may directly affect the staff employees and to recommend changes in existing policies as needed.
  • To foster and enhance communication and involvement between members of the University Administration, Faculty, Alumni, and Staff.
  • To serve as a liaison with staff, faculty, academic professionals and administration and to serve on standing committees where membership would be beneficial to staff and the university.


The staff employees of the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma, having recognized the need for representation and involvement of staff employees in the affairs of the University with the objective of strengthening University goals and functions, herein establish this Constitution for the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma STAFF ASSOCIATION.


The name of the organization shall be the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma STAFF ASSOCIATION, sometimes hereinafter referred to as the Association. 


The University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma Staff Association shall function under this Constitution as approved by the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma Staff, the President of the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma, and the Board of Regents for the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma; and the Association shall continue to function until such time as the Association dissolves itself. 


Function and Responsibility 

The University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma Staff Association is organized for the following functions:

To serve and participate in an advisory and referral capacity to the President of the University and the University Administration in such policy matters which may directly affect the staff employees and to recommend changes in existing policies as needed.

To foster and enhance communication and involvement between members of the University Administration, Faculty, Alumni, and Staff.

To serve as a liaison with staff, faculty, academic professionals and administration and to serve on standing committees where membership would be beneficial to staff and the university.


Any employee in a full-time and/or full-time/part-time staff position at the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma is eligible to participate in the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma Staff Association Council.

The University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma Staff Association neither supplants nor supersedes any duly-constituted organization or any approved policy or procedure currently in effect and there shall be nothing contained or implied in this Constitution that shall infringe on the rights and the privileges of an individual staff employee, nor shall it deny any staff employee the pursuit of individual action that such an employee may deem necessary for his or her personal welfare.


Section 1.

The University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma Staff Association Council shall consist of representatives from the Professional, General, and Maintenance Staff of the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma.

Section 2.

The University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma Staff Association Council shall consist of members herein known as the Council. The voting council of the Association will be made up of representatives as stated in the Bylaws.

Section 3.

The term of office for voting council members will begin January 1st of each year and will end December 31st of the same year.


Section 1.

The Officers of the Council shall be the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Fundraising Chair, and the Hospitality Chair.

Section 2.

The Officers of the Council shall be selected from the membership of the Council.

Section 3.

To serve as the President of the Council, one must have served as an officer of the Council for at least one year. 

Section 4.

The term of office for each Officer shall be one (1) year. Any Officer may succeed himself or herself in the same office for not more than one (1) additional term, unless voted otherwise.


Section 1.

 All permanent and special committees shall be established by Council action. Each permanent and special committee shall have a committee chairperson appointed by the Council, and the committee members shall select a recorder for the committee from its membership. All permanent and special committees shall be subject to the call of their respective chairperson. 


An annual membership meeting shall be held in January at which time the installation of the newly elected Council members and Officers shall take place.


Section 1.

A proposed amendment, alteration, or annulment, or a proposition to amend, alter, or annul the Constitution shall be presented in writing to the Secretary, who shall provide copies to all members of the Association at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to consideration by the Council.

Section 2.

Amendments to, alterations to, or annulment of the Constitution shall be made only by a three-fourths concurrence of the representatives of the Council.

Section 3.

Amendments to, alterations to, or annulment of the Constitution approved by the Council shall be sent to the President of the University for his/her approval and transmittal to the University Board of Regents if required.


Staff Association members have the right to participate in all Staff Association meetings and to bring forth any concerns or suggestions. Staff Council representatives have the right to vote on all motions raised in Staff Association meetings.


Section 1.

Any staff employee of the University may make nominations for Council.

Section 2.

Staff employees who regularly attend Staff Association meetings may be considered voting Council members.

Section 3.


There will be no alternates for representatives of the Council.

Staff Association Council member vacancies shall occur when a member terminates employment with the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma.

When a vacant position occurs, the President shall call upon the Nomination Committee who will be responsible for submitting names of candidate(s), with their consent, to be placed in nomination to fill the unexpired term of the declared vacancy.

The Nomination Committee is comprised of all voting members who regularly attend Staff Association meetings.


Section 1.

The President of the Council shall:

Preside at all meetings of the Council

The President shall be a non-voting member of the Council except in instances in which a tie-vote occurs; at which time the President shall cast the deciding vote.

Appoint committee members to any temporary Ad Hoc committees with advisement from the Officers of the Council.

 Perform other duties as necessary.

Section 2. 

The Vice-President shall:

Preside in the absence of the President:

Succeed to the office of President for the unexpired term, in the event of a vacancy in that Office;

The Vice-President of the Council shall serve as parliamentarian;

The Vice President shall serve as Chairperson of any ad hoc committees that are formed; and

Perform other duties as necessary.

Section 3.

The Secretary Shall:

Keep minutes of all meetings, and submit them to the Council for review and approval;

Maintain regular communication with the Council regarding meeting dates, agendas, and other pertinent information; and

Perform other duties as necessary.

The Secretary shall, at the expiration of the term of Office, turn over to his or her successor all records and pertinent data of the Council held in his or her possession.

Section 4.

The Treasurer shall:

Adhere to current guidelines for fiscal control and budget planning;

Review purchase requests according to guidelines established by the Council.

Coordinate the preparation of budgets and financial reports; and

Perform other duties as necessary.

The Treasurer shall, at the expiration of the term of Office, turn over to his or her successor all records and pertinent data of the Council held in his or her possession.

Section 2.

The Fund Raising Chair Shall:

Perform other duties as necessary.

Create and plan fundraising initiatives for the Staff Association;

Find sponsors and volunteers, as necessary, for any fundraising events taking place;

Coordinate with the Treasurer on expenses and earnings on any fundraising initiatives; and

Perform other duties as necessary.

Section 3. 

The Hospitality Chair Shall:

Perform other duties as necessary.

Maintain an up-to-date list of birthdays and other relevant staff information;

Create and plan hospitality initiatives for members of the Staff Association (such as birthday cards, get-well-soon cards, anniversary announcements, etc);

Coordinate group potlucks, lunches, and get-togethers; and

Perform other duties as necessary.


Section 1.

Regular meetings of the Association shall normally be held at a time and place designated by the Council. Notice of all meetings shall be furnished prior to the meeting.

Section 2.

All agenda items shall be submitted to the Council President.

Section 3. 

Each member of the Association shall be furnished a copy of the meeting agenda prior to the meeting.

Section 4.

Any meeting of the Association shall be open to the public.


Section 1. 

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws.

Section 2.

At least a majority of members of the Council must be present to constitute a quorum authorized to discuss business at any meeting of the Association. If during the course of a meeting the number of members present falls below the majority of eligible membership, the meeting shall be recessed until such members are present.


Section 1.

The Staff Association maintains a scholarship for Staff Association members and immediate family of Staff Association members.

Section 2.

Each year, the Council must vote to approve funding for the Staff Association Scholarship to keep it above its minimum threshold.

Section 3.

A two-thirds vote is required to remove the Staff Association Scholarship and cease funding it.


Section 1. 

Eligibility to attend the Staff Association’s Staff Development Trip requires attendance to association meetings throughout the year and participating in fundraising activities. 

The requirements for being eligible for the trip are: 

Attend fifty percent of the Staff Association's monthly meetings.

Attendence shall be taken at meetings throughout the year and tracked by the Secretary.

Meeting attendence shall be counted from the months of October through September.

Section 2.

Participate with fundrasing by helpingw ith at least one of the Staff Association's fundraisers.

Participation in staff fundraisers shall be documented by the Fundraising Chair and reported to the Secretary to be tracked for trip eligibility.

Fundraising activities shall be counted from the months of October through September.

If any fundraising activity or staff association meeting is held in the month of October, eligibility towards the trip shall be determined by whether those activities fall before or after the annual Staff Development Trip. Any activity participation that happens in October following the annual Staff Development Trip will be counted towards the next year's trip.


Section 1.

A proposed amendment, alteration, or annulment, or a proposition to amend, alter, or annul the Bylaws of the Association shall be presented in writing to the Secretary, who shall provide copies to all members of the Association at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to consideration by the Council.

Section 2.

Amendments to, alterations to, or annulment, of the Bylaws shall be made only by a three- fourths concurrence of the representatives of the Council.

Section 3.

The Bylaws of the Council, or any part thereof, may be suspended by a three-fourths concurrence of the representatives of the Council.

Staff Achievement Award Winners

This section will be updated soon!