Tobacco-Free Campus Policy


The University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (USAO) is committed to providing its students, faculty, staff, and visitors an environment of wellness and healthy living that is free from the use of tobacco and other kinds and forms of tobacco products.  The purpose of this policy is to eliminate all tobacco use whether located indoors or outdoors on property owned, leased, or contracted for use by USAO and in state vehicles used for USAO business. 

Tobacco-Free Environment

Effective July 1, 2012 it shall be the policy of the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (USAO) that the use of all tobacco and tobacco products including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), vaping devices and other tobacco products be prohibited on the campus property of USAO.  

  1. The use, sale, or distribution of tobacco and tobacco products is prohibited throughout all indoor and outdoor areas of property owned or under control of USAO, including buildings, grounds and parking lots owned or under the control of USAO, including personal vehicles parked on USAO property. Tobacco and tobacco product use is also prohibited in any vehicle used by USAO or its employees conducting business on, off or outside USAO owned properties.
  2. This policy applies to all persons on campus, including but not limited to faculty, staff, students, visitors, and others on business at all USAO properties.
  3. The University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma will identify the boundaries of its property, post this information for public reference, and provide notice of this policy with appropriate signage, including signs at the entrance to the properties and /or other locations as needed. USAO will also utilize printed materials and other communications as needed to educate employees, students and all other persons using or visiting the property regarding this policy.
  4. Tobacco and tobacco product receptacles are not allowed on campus property and have been removed, including any ash cans near entryways.
  5. The promotion of tobacco and tobacco products is prohibited anywhere on campus. This will also include prohibiting sponsorship of any school activity by tobacco companies.
  6. USAO will not accept donations, gifts, money, or materials intended to promote the use of tobacco or participate in any type of services that promote the use of tobacco.
  7. USAO will provide services to students, faculty, and staff who wish to participate with tobacco-use cessation programs through the use of the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline (1.800.QUIT.NOW or 1.800.784.8669) the American Cancer Society, the American Lung Association, and/or the American Heart Association. In addition, USAO will make available appropriate educational materials and possible activities concerning the harmful health consequences of tobacco and tobacco product use.
  8. USAO will make available a method of communication regarding tobacco use, prevention efforts on campus related to policy, prevention, and cessation during student orientation, new employee training, annual review opportunities, and through the USAO website.
  9. USAO will provide insurance benefits and access to the following types of assistance with no prior authorization or out-of-pocket cost to the employee including:
  • Telephone coaching: up to five one-on-one telephone counseling sessions with a trained Quit Coach.
  • Free cessation counseling is also offered by the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline (1-800-QUIT-NOW)
    • over the counter (OTC) nicotine replacement therapy products (patches, gum, and lozenges).
  1. Organizers and attendees at events (meetings, conferences, lectures, cultural events, and sporting events) using USAO facilities are required to abide by the policy. Organizers of such events are responsible for communicating the policy to attendees and for enforcing this policy.
  2. USAO will ensure that job postings will contain information about the tobacco-free environment. All new employees will receive information about the tobacco-free work environment at the time of the employment.
  3. Contractors conducting business on state property would be subject to the tobacco-free policy the same as anyone else on state property.
  4. Compliance with this policy is shared responsibility of all students, faculty, and staff. Emphasis will be placed on creating a positive and healthy culture, free of tobacco and should be a cooperative effort, encouraged by all faculty, staff and students. Non-compliance with this policy will be handled in the same manner as any other policy violation and is subject to disciplinary process. Non-compliance of this policy shall be addressed as follows:


    • USAO students residing in University Housing shall be directed to and handled by the Directors of Student Life and Housing. If the violation merits such action, the complaint may be escalated to the Dean of Students.
    • All other USAO Students shall be directed to and handled by the Dean of Students.

Faculty and Staff

    • Faculty shall be directed to and handled by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
    • Staff shall be directed to and handled by the Vice President for Student Success and Human Resources.


    • Visitors shall be directed to and handled by the Vice President for Student Success and Human Resources. The visitor may be asked to leave university premises for failure to comply.
  1. When discipline is necessary, steps may include but not be limited to verbal warning, written warning, suspension and/or termination. This does not prohibit USAO from pursuing other corrective discipline deemed appropriate. 


Campus: includes all USAO owned, leased, rented, or maintained property including but not limited to buildings, facilities, sidewalks, roadways, parking lots, and grounds. Campus also includes all University owned, leased, or rented vehicles. Campus may not include any owned properties which are leased to third parties under long-term leases. 

Students: includes but is not limited to all students enrolled in University classes and/or classes held on campus, as defined above.

Tobacco products: shall mean any cigars, cheroots, stogies, smoking tobacco (including granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed and any other kinds and forms of tobacco

suitable for smoking in a pipe or cigarette), chewing tobacco (including cavendish, twist, plug, scrap and any other kinds and forms of tobacco suitable for chewing), however prepared; and shall include any other articles or products made of tobacco or any substitute therefor.

Other Kinds and Forms of Tobacco includes hookahs, electronic cigarettes (E-Cigarettes), vaping devices and all other kinds and forms of tobacco prepared in such a manner to be suitable for spit tobacco use, smoking, or both. This term also includes herbal tobacco products, simulated tobacco products that imitate or mimic tobacco products, including but not limited to cloves, bidis, and kreteks.  

Tobacco use:  includes smoking, chewing, dipping or any other consumption or use of tobacco products.

Visitors: includes, but is not limited to, guests, spectators, contractors, vendors, volunteers and

anyone else providing any type of product or service to the University.

Faculty and Staff: Includes, but is not limited to, all employed at USAO in any capacity whether in a paid or unpaid (volunteer) status.


The University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma is responsible for ensuring the annual review of this administrative policy.

This policy is effective July 1, 2012

Revised October 2016

Revised October 2018

Revised March 2019

Revised May 2021