
USAO’s business program emphasizes the effective evaluation of information, successful collaboration with others, moral and ethical values within the business community, as well as sound yet creative decision-making.

Our dedicated business faculty combine the practical procedures necessary in the discipline with the people-oriented characteristics of the liberal arts to produce graduates ready for success.

Beyond the program’s core curriculum, business students can tailor their degree through electives to earn an emphasis in accounting, business administration, or management, depending on where their greatest strengths, interests, and goals for the future lie.

Why Major in Business at USAO?

Career Possibilities

Degree Checksheet

Business Administration Degree Checksheet

graphic with worker holding a pencil and clipboard that reads "have a new business idea?"


The Chickasha Economic Development Council is challenging all USAO students, staff and faculty members to propose a new business idea that you think would benefit the Chickasha community.

Fill out the form below to submit a proposal. It’s easy, provide a brief description and why you think it will do well in Chickasha.

Next semester, junior and senior USAO students in Professor Rob Miles’ Managerial Strategy and Entrepreneurship classes will select a promising submission, create the business model and offer consulting services in the next steps towards launching the company. Other interesting proposals may also receive help from the Chickasha EDC.

New Business Proposal Form