Affiliated Organizations

affiliated organizations

The below organizations are affiliated with the Dr. Ada Lois Sipuel Center for Social Justice and Racial Healing. Learn more about each organization by visiting their website. 

Institute for Healing of Memories - North America

Institute for Healing of Memories North America logo

The Institute for Healing of Memories - North America (IHOM-NA) seeks to contribute to lasting individual and collective healing that makes possible a more peaceful and just world.

The IHOM-NA provides emotional and spiritual healing for people recovering from painful or traumatic experiences. By exploring and acknowledging the emotional and spiritual wounds carried by individuals, communities and nations, Healing of Memories helps to break the destructive cycle of suffering, anger and violence that can disfigure societies, enabling people from different ethnic groups, races, and faith traditions reach a better understanding of themselves and others. We pose questions for personal reflection that catalyze participants’ ability to get in touch with their feelings and ideas of identity, agency, justice, peace, healing and reconciliation. We believe that when personal stories are heard and acknowledged, individuals feel healed and empowered. Through deep listening and meaningful sharing, human relationships can be transformed and restored.

Oklahomans for Criminal Justice Reform

Oklahomans for Criminal Justice Reform logo

Oklahoma has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. This includes holding the top spot for incarcerating women for more than three decades. Without reform, Oklahoma’s prison population is projected to keep climbing, at a high cost to Oklahoma taxpayers, communities and families. Oklahomans for Criminal Justice Reform‘s mission is to serve as a catalyst for systemic change in Oklahoma’s criminal legal system to promote just and appropriate accountability while reducing mass incarceration and its generational harm to families.

Respect Diversity Foundation

Respect Diversity Foundation circle color logo

The Respect Diversity Foundation is a non-profit, tax exempt educational organization with a speaker’s bureau of human rights advocates, civil rights leaders, Holocaust educators, visual artists, musicians, authors, early childhood educators and more. Through seminars, workshops, panel discussions, conversational dialogues and the arts, our speakers teach understanding and respect.

Sally's List

Sally's List teal logo with a horse and it reads "support women running for public office"

Sally’s List trains, supports, and helps elect Progressive women to public office in Oklahoma.

Thick Descriptions

Thick Descriptions orange logo with black "TD"

Thick Descriptions' (TD) mission is to provide awareness, tools, resources and context of natural and social sciences to kids, tweens/teens and adults. TD sustains our purpose with the following programs OKEE (Oklahoma Educators Evolve), a tailored and instructional platform specific for teachers that lack effective methodologies and/or pedagogies for historically overlooked youth; Elephant in the Room - Unboxed, a monthly conversation for mature adults that addresses difficult/uncomfortable topics with humanity thinking and, S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Anthropology and Math) Learning Journeys during school breaks to reduce the learning gap for historically overlooked youth.