Dr. Ruth M. Arrington describes herself as being a professor of speech emeritus, but
her resume reveals a wide variety of activities and interests for the Sapulpa resident.
A 1946 graduate of Oklahoma College for Women, she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in speech. She continued her education with a Master of Arts in speech from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, and a Ph.D. in speech from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
While she worked for Douglas Aircraft and Central State Bank in Oklahoma City, the remainder of her professional career has been devoted to education and performing. Dr. Arrington served as a teacher of speech and drama at Northeastern Oklahoma A & M College in Miami; Professor of Speech at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah; Teacher of Speech for summer sessions at Kansas State College in Pittsburg, Kan.; and, Appalachian State in Boone, N.C. She also taught communications for Headlands Health Careers for Gifted Indian Students.
She appeared as an actress and dancer in a number of outdoor dramas and films, including "Horn in the West" in Boone, N.C.; produced and directed the film, "The American Indian and His Government; was an actress in "The Trail of Tears," an outdoor drama in Tahlequah; and was narrator for two Creek Nation video tapes, "Muskogee/Creek Folklore" and "Turtle Shells."
The Oklahoma Federation of Indian Women named Dr. Arrington "Outstanding Indian Woman" in 1972. Other awards include an award from the Creek Nation in 1978; Cultural Achievement Award, Oklahoma Division, American Association of University Women; award for service to NSU Symposium on American Indian; award for service to Indian Studies Degree Program and Native American Students at NSU; and an award from Oklahoma Speech/Threatre Communications Association for Outstanding College Theatre Education, 1987.
Her activities include serving as narrator and model for Fife Collection, Indian Fashion Show, NSU, Creek Nation in various cities; narrator and writer of slide-tape and video tape for Forest Heritage Center, Beaver Bend State Park, Broken Bow; judge for Miss Indian Oklahoma, Miss Cherokee, Creek Princess, Oklahoma Junior Miss, Miss Northeastern, etc.; judge for Five Civilized Tribes Museum Competitive Show; MC for numerous activities including Inauguration of Principal Chief Bill Fife, Muskogee Creek Nation; Reader of Proposals for Women's Educational Equity Act Grants, 1980, 1981, 1988, Washington, D.C.; Reader of Proposals for Association of American Colleges, Minority Achievement Program, 1981.
Her public speaking includes various speeches on historical topics for historical groups and numerous book and play reviews and poetry readings. She has presented speeches in Oklahoma, Wisconsin, California, and Seattle, Washington.