Brenda Stanfill Cranmer went from Altus, Oklahoma, to become an outstanding OCW student
and special education administrator in California. She graduated from OCW in 1965
with a Bachelor of Arts degree in speech and hearing therapy. She received a Master’s
of Art degree in special education in 1968 and a Master’s of Art degree in educational
administration in 1969 from California State University. In 1977, Cranmer received
her doctoral degree from University of Southern California. While attending OCW, Cranmer
served as student government vice president, Chi Delta Phi president, chair of OCW’s
drive for World University Service. She was named to Who’s Who in American Colleges
and Universities, OCW’s Top Ten Scholastic Students, Regents Honor Roll, and Hypatia.
She also received the OCW Press Club award as the outstanding senior in her class.
Shortly after graduating, Cranmer was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She began
her career as a special education teacher in Glendale, Calif. She then went on to
serve as an aural education supervisor, developing services for Spanish speaking parents
of deaf children in the school district, and as principal. She then moved to Los Angeles
where she served in the special education area of the Los Angeles County School District.
In 1978, she was promoted to special education division area administrator with the
Los Angeles County Office of Education. Cranmer was an active supporter of the education
of the deaf. Her professional associations included the Los Angeles County Administrators
of Special Education, Delta Kappa Gamma Society, Educator, Education Association of
Special Education Principals, California Speech and Hearing Association, Convention
of American Instructors of the Deaf, and Phi Delta Kappa.