Dugan, Kimiko Hatta 1977

Kimiko Hatta Dugan, Ph.D. used her OCW education to aid her into a professional career that has spanned over 2 decades. She received a Bachelor of Arts in chemistry and biology in 1961 from Oklahoma College for Women. While there, she received the Achievement Award in Chemistry in 1960. Born Oct. 21, 1924, in Kyoto City, Japan, she came to the United States in 1948 and became a citizen in 1956. She studied at the University of Maryland, 1957-58, received a Master of Science from the University of Oklahoma in 1965 in chemistry and biology, and a Ph.D. in 1970 from OU, also in chemistry and biology. She was a graduate fellow in the Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, at OU. Her specialization was developmental anatomy. Her career at OU included: assistant professor, 1969-1972; associate professor, 1971-1978; becoming a full professor, 1990; and now emeritus professor. Dr. Dugan is a member of many societies, including the New York Academy of Science and Sigma Xi (Society for Science).

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