Jones, Gainor Chambless Laing 1991

Theatre work doesn't always mean being in front of an audience. While she had some theatrical experience, Gainor Chambless Laing Jones used her talents behind the scenes as a director. A 1960 graduate of Oklahoma College for Woman, Jones earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in speech/drama. She was the first woman to receive a Masters of Theatre at California State University, Fullerton, in 1968. Jones was part of a family tradition. Her mother, Mildred Matthews Chambless, and three sisters are all also graduates of the university. Her professional life has included serving as an English, speech, and drama teacher; and as director and actress. She served as California State Thespian Board Member and director of the All-State Thespian Show, California State Thespian Director, and director of All State California Show performed at International Thespian Conference at Ball State University, 1983 and 1990; director of state level winning ensembles and actors for California State Thespian festivals; director of prize winning scenes and actors at California State University; director of Shakespearean scenes and actors at Chapman College Shakespeare Festival. Her students have won many awards and have gone on to work in the theatre, television, and movie industries.

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