Dr. Rose Marie Smith has used her talent and education to benefit aspiring artists,
both young and old, across the nation. She has directed over 100 productions, including
churches, communities, children's camps, public schools, colleges, universities, and
other groups. Dr. Smith graduated from Oklahoma College for Woman in 1949 with a Bachelor
of Arts degree in speech, then pursued a Master of Arts degree in theatre from the
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a Ph.D. in speech communication from the University
of Southern California, Los Angeles. She also studied at the University of Oklahoma;
Northwestern University; International Institute of Shakespeare Studies; Stratford-Upon-Avon,
England; plus various workshops and seminars. From 1949 until 1958, she taught in
high schools in Clovis, New Mexico; Classen and Northwest Classen, Oklahoma City.
Dr. Smith taught at OCW from 1958 until 1964 and at USAO from 1980 until 1992. She
also taught at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, 1965-1967; Arizona State University,
Tempe, 1967-1976; and California State University, Chico, 1976-1978; plus summer teaching
experiences. Academic recognition included: Outstanding Teaching Award, OCW; Fellowship,
Oklahoma Globe Theatre Foundation and Zeta Phi Eta, National Fraternity in Communication
Arts and Sciences to study in England. Dr. Smith served as Zeta Phi Eta president
pro tem National Executive Council and president of the Oklahoma City Chapter, and
president of the Oklahoma Speech-Theatre-Communication Association.