Higher education, in the classroom, in the community, or on the farm: Myrtle Chandler
Stevens is a dedicated leader. She’s served as USAO Alumni Director, USAO faculty
member, as a classroom teacher, and as the partner in a large farming-ranching operation
in Caddo County. The 1959 Home Economics graduate returned to Oklahoma College for
Women as an adult student. She received her Master in Home Economics from the University
of Oklahoma in 1966 and returned to USAO to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Art Education
in 1987. She taught Home Economics in high school and at the University of Science
& Arts of Oklahoma for 26 years. In addition to teaching, she served as Director of
Alumni Affairs at USAO from 1994 to 2006. At college, she was a member of Alpha Lambda
Delta and Pi Gamma Mu. She received an award for third highest grade average on campus
and was honored by the Press Club as one of the top ten student leaders on campus,
graduating Summa Cum Laude. Mrs. Stephens was awarded the Governor’s Award for Outstanding
Women in Oklahoma and was named Oklahoma Home Economics Teacher of the Year in 1976.
She has served as director of Oklahoma Girls State, received the National Future Homemakers
of America Distinguished Service Award and the Oklahoma FHA Alumni Achievement Award.
Her Young Homemakers of Oklahoma Chapter was named the “Outstanding YHO Chapter in