VonFeldt, Helen Ross 1994

Oklahoma City community leader, USAO supporter and OCW graduate Helen VonFeldt has been a leader in both music and politics. VonFeldt graduated from the Oklahoma College for Women (now USAO) in 1960 with a bachelor of arts degree in music, and received her master's degree in voice from the University of Kansas. VonFeldt has been a leader since her college days, serving in student government, musical associations and other campus activities. VonFeldt has served as education director for Oklahoma Girls State for the past 20 years, planning the curriculum for a seven-day government in action program for 420 high school junior girls and a staff of 50. Her total years involved in Girls State are 28, as a citizen, junior and senior counselor, music director, and member of Girls State planning committee. The voice of Helen VonFeldt has been heard around the Oklahoma City area in performances by the Canterbury Choral Society, Oklahoma Vocal Arts Ensemble, Oklahoma City Symphony, and many other groups. She has also planned and organized many community activities across the Oklahoma City and Chickasha areas.

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