Wilcox, Edna Mae 1975

Much of what educators and experts know about caring for children with disabilities can be traced to Edna Mae Wilcox, a 1949 graduate from Oklahoma College for Women. She authored speech improvement handbooks for primary classroom teachers, produced 45 speech improvement lessons broadcast by radio and wrote a teacher's handbook for elementary special education classes. She also co-authored "Listening With Mr. Bunny Big Ears," speech improvement through dramatic play. A World War II veteran, serving in the Navy Waves, she received a Masters degree from the University of Pittsburg and also studied at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. She joined the university faculty in 1972 as chairman of the Speech and Hearing Department. She helped to organize the USAO Workshop in Learning Disabilities and conducted the highly successful USAO Summer Camp for children with learning disabilities. She also taught at the University of Pittsburgh and Muskigum College, New Conrod, Ohio. Prior to accepting the position as language arts consultant with MacMillan Publishing Co., she was employed for eight and a half years as supervisor of Speech and Learning for Cambria County Schools in Edensburg, Pennsylvania, 1958-1966. She was also speech pathologist for the Mental Health Outpatient Clinic in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, 1953-1958. Her memberships include Business and Professional Women, serving as Chickasha Chapter president and also Sixth District BPW president.

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