NASNTI Grant Updates

Classroom renovations 

Year 1 (21-22): Troutt Hall 302 and Davis Hall 122.  

Troutt received a full audio-visual upgrade complete with lighting, flooring, and workstations.  

Davis Hall received flooring and lighting upgrades, 5 desktop computers with built in webcams, 2 student learning pods with charging outlet built in (privacy desk and seating combo), accessible table for students with disabilities. University (IT) provided a color printer. This space is the only accessible computer lab located on the bottom floor for students with disabilities.  

Year 2 (22-23): Emerson Room and Nash 118 (24-hour lab)  

The Emerson Room received a full audio-visual upgrade to make the space ready for classroom and presentation use.  

Nash Library received a full audio-visual upgrade so that it can be used as a fully functional classroom and accessible to students who cannot make it to the physical location. Updated computers, flooring, and lighting.