USAO sixth annual Giving Day smashes fundraising goal

The University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma recently received over $104,000 from 327 separate gifts, smashing this year’s goal of $75,000 during the institution’s sixth annual Giving Day.
In terms of academic programs, the Division of Science and Physical Education raised the most money, while the Division of Arts and Humanities had the greatest number of individual gifts. In Drover Athletics, the university’s new e-sports program raised the most money, while the golf team had the largest number of donors. The Alumni Association’s scholarship program was the first university office to reach 25 donors. Each of these offices will receive an extra $1,000 as a challenge gift for drumming up so much support.
“I send my sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who participated in Giving Day 2022,” said JP Audas, vice president for advancement. “It is inspiring and energizing to see our campus come together to invest in our collective future!”
These funds not only support the diversity of learning that goes on at USAO, they also bolster the sense of community that is so crucial to the institution’s mission. The interdisciplinary education model strives to teach students how to think, how to adapt their thinking, and, perhaps most importantly, how to put it to use in strengthening our society.
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