USAO Alumni Association seeks Drovers interested in giving back to their alma mater

The University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma Alumni Association has put out a call for potential alumni board members. Any alumni interested in learning more about serving on the board of directors can submit a form and will be contacted by a board member for a follow up conversation. Board members serve 3-year terms and are eligible to serve two terms before a required one-year respite.
“Our web page has had a little upgrade recently. To maintain transparent communication several components have been added,” said Misti McClellan, executive director of the association. “We now have a Board of Directors section under the Alumni Association tab. There you will find photos and biographical information on each current board member, our governing documents and a nomination tab that includes the form."
Prior to submitting the name of an alumni, it is important to understand the expectations of serving in this capacity.
- Board members are expected to attend and participate in all regular and special board meetings. The board meets only four times a calendar year with the final meeting being held during Homecoming & Reunion weekend in November.
- Prepare for each board meeting by reading material distributed from the executive director.
- Alert the alumni office if they are unable to attend a meeting.
- Serve on at least one committee and actively participate in the proceedings.
- Make a personal financial contribution to the organization
- Be accessible by at least phone or email, to the board members, committee members and the Executive Director.
- Serve as an advocate of the organization to various constituent groups.
The scholarship committee is preparing to award the alumni scholarships for the 2021-2022 academic year, the money-management committee is working on a transition plan as our longtime treasurer will roll off for his required 1 year break at the end of this year, and everyone is getting excited about planning Homecoming & Reunion weekend 2021.
First organized in 1917, the USAO Alumni Association has worked to strengthen the university and its students through special projects and scholarships for over a century. All USAO alumni are automatically members of the association and enjoy multiple benefits as well as regular communications. Comprised of a diverse body of alumni, the all-volunteer board of directors meets four times a year to provide leadership and vision for the more than 10,000 active alumni throughout the world.
Serving on the USAOAA Board of Directors is a great way to give back to your alma mater. If you are interested in learning more please visit and complete the form.