USAO seventh annual Giving Day smashes fundraising goal

The University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma recently received $158,537 from 263 separate gifts, exceeding this year’s goal of $150,000 and 200 donors during the institution’s seventh annual Giving Day. This year’s theme, “A Lasting Legacy,” honored President Feaver’s more than two decades as the school’s top executive, as well as the 20 years he served as a faculty member before his inauguration.
Among the day’s many challenges, President and Mrs. Feaver donated $1,000 to the faculty development fund with the most gifts, a three-way tie between Science & Physical Education, Social Studies and Business, and Visual and Performing Arts; Regent McLaughlin donated $1,000 each to the athletic team, school, center and student fund with the most gifts, which were respectively women’s basketball, the School of Science and Physical Education and the Student Success Center twice-over.
“I send my sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who participated in Giving Day 2023,” said JP Audas, vice president for advancement and executive director of the USAO Foundation. “President Feaver’s tenure at this university has truly been filled with many transformative successes, and it was quite remarkable to see the outpouring of support for everything he has done.”
The USAO Foundation also transferred $500 each to the athletic team, school, center and student fund with the largest gift, which were respectively women’s golf, the School of Science and Physical Education, the Neill-Wint Center for Neurodiversity and the Student Success Center.
These funds not only support the diversity of learning that goes on at USAO, but they also bolster the sense of community that is so crucial to the institution’s mission. The interdisciplinary education model strives to teach students how to think, how to adapt their thinking, and, perhaps most importantly, how to put it to use in strengthening our society.
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