2023 USAO Giving Day to focus on President Feaver’s decades-long legacy

To kick off the celebration of President John Feaver’s more than four decades of service to the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma, the institution will hold its seventh annual Giving Day—24 hours dedicated to raising funds for the university—March 31.
For 2023, the goal of the campaign, “A Lasting Legacy,” is to raise $150,000 from at least 200 unique donors in support of capital improvements, academic enrichment and endowed scholarships.
“Devoting one day to all President Feaver has done for this university is absolutely far from adequate considering the immeasurable impact he has had on so many people,” said JP Audas, vice president for advancement and executive director of the USAO Foundation. “This year’s Giving Day will allow everyone who his inspirational and transformative leadership has touched to show their appreciation through a generous donation that will allow this university to continue his legacy well into the future.”
The event will feature donor challenges and matching gifts to maximize the value of each individual contribution. Additionally, donors will be able to search the Double the Donation database to see if their company will match their gift. Donations can be allocated to the university’s greatest needs, as well as student scholarships, athletics, academic departments, event series and much more.
Beyond the efforts of current students, staff and faculty on Giving Day, alumni, community members and other friends of the university are urged to share their favorite USAO memories on their social networks. These inspiring stories help explain both why this university is such a special place and illustrate the direct impact that even the smallest gifts have on the lives of USAO students.
Feaver became the 12th president of USAO in 2000, but he was not new to the institution. Appointed to the faculty in 1980, he taught history and political science, was a mainstay in the interdisciplinary studies program for a number of years, serving as departmental and divisional chair in the social sciences. He was named vice president for academic affairs in 1988. Currently the longest serving university president in Oklahoma, Feaver will retire on Dec. 31, 2023.
To learn more or to make a donation today, visit usao.edu/giving or contact the Development Office at 405-574-1393.