Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness means being ready for any situation. You are your own best first responder. Use this information as a resource to better understand emergency preparedness at USAO, and how you can be best prepared for any situation.

Emergency Preparedness Guide

Emergency Preparedness Pocket Guide

COVID-19: What You Need to Know

safety tips

  • Stay alert; keep your mind on your surroundings. 
  • Trust your instincts; if you feel uncomfortable in a situation, leave.
  • Know the grounds; find out what buildings are open late where you can summon help if needed. 
  • Vary your route and schedule
  • Wear reflective clothing at night
  • Consider not wearing headphones as they limit what you can hear
  • Never allow strangers to follow you into the building (Tailgating). If observed, notify Security (405) 222-8066 immediately. 
  • Never prop open locked doors or leave room doors open.
  • Secure doors and windows prior to leaving. 
  • Call Security (405) 222-8066 if you see someone who does not belong in the building or surrounding area.
  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Avoid isolated areas
  • Avoid walking alone at night; walk with friends or call Security(405) 222-8066 for an escort. 
  • Use the lighted pathways
  • Tell a friend where you are going and when you will return
  • Notify Security(405) 222-8066 immediately of suspicious or criminal activity
  • Never leave your drinking cup unattended while at gatherings/parties 
  • Keep your vehicle locked when it’s parked and when you drive. 
  • Do not leave valuables in plain view. Lock them in the trunk, glove box or place under seat. 
  • Park in or near lighted areas
  • Report suspicious activity immediately
  • Keep your car in good running condition to avoid breakdown. 
  • Plan your route in advance, particularly on long or unfamiliar trips. 
  • Have enough gas money to get you to your destination and back. 
  • Drive with all car doors locked. 
  • Keep windows rolled up in unfamiliar areas. 
  • Never pick up hitchhikers.
  • Never leave textbooks, purses or book bags unattended. 
  • Secure cash, checkbooks and credit cards in a safe place. Carry only small amounts of cash.
  • Call Security (405) 222-8066 immediately to report lost or stolen property.
  • Notify Student Services (405) 574-1278 to report lost or stolen student ID cards. 
  • Register your bicycle with Student Services. Invest in a good lock, such as a U-shaped hardened steel padlock. Lock the bike frame and wheels to a bike rack. 
  • Do not leave laptops/tablets/cell phones unattended. Record the serial number of the computer, equipment, etc. Enable GPS tracking software if your device has the option. Information Services may be able to assist you with any questions.